Archspore Msshi’fn
Archspore Msshi’fn is a 3 Mana Cost Legendary Druid Minion card from the Ashes of Outland set!
Card Text
Taunt Deathrattle: Shuffle "Msshi'fn Prime' into your deck.
Flavor Text
Brave leader of the Sporeggar. Guided by the philosophy that one should not mssh with matters that are not one's msshiness.- Mana Cost: 3
- Attack: 3
- Health: 4
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Druid
- Card Type: Minion
- Set: Ashes of Outland
- Mechanics: Add to Deck, Deathrattle, Taunt
Archspore Msshi’fn Additional Information
Cards Relating to Archspore Msshi'fn
Msshi'fn Prime Type: Minion - Cost: 10 - Attack: 9 - Health: 9 Taunt Choose One - Summon a 9/9 Fungal Giant with Taunt; or Rush. |
He pro’tec
He at’tac
But most importantly
He topdeck
5/5 for being a humongous fungus.
Yay more embiggen Druid support, just what everyone wanted.
No, definitely not. This is complete anti-synergy. Embiggen increases your minion costs by 1, making the prime unplayable. I think this is more plausible in some sort of Highlander Druid or simply in Quest Druid, who wouldn’t complain about a turn 4 taunt with decent stats against aggro decks.
It will still be playable it won’t go over 10 mana.
Embiggen 0 Mana
give all minions in deck +2/2 they cost (1) more (up to 10)
that’s the exact wording so it can become a 10 cost 11/11 or 13/13 although tagging the 3 cost 3/4 would be preferred.
Embiggen does not work with Choose One cards. If it comes out as Strength in Numbers proc, then yes. But if you draw it, while it will say 13/13 in your hand, it becomes 9/9 after you choose
10/10 for art. Blizzard, please make these little guys a tribe, like Fun Guys or something. As for the card itself… Helps Quest Druid, Wild Taunt Druid, and any deck that’s willing to play something this awesome. Love it. 5/5 stars. Probably going to get nerfed though, since Quest Druid’s going to abuse this.
Hadronox is very happy now in Wild…
This card is taunt druids new best friend.not even taking into account hadronox spawning more of the little one to deathrattle into deck.
Now This is a big card a 9/9 taunt that can summon another 9/9 taunt or a 9/9 rush.
Or if have quest a 9/9 taunt that summons a 9/9 taunt with rush. This card is guaranteed to show up in quest druid and considering the value of the 10 cost I would not be surprised to see it played with the Highlander card to make 2 of the 10 cost.
a 9/9 with rush and taunt or two 9/9 in quest druid?
A 9/9 taunt and 9/9 taunt+rush.