Archivist Elysiana
Archivist Elysiana is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover 5 cards. Replace your deck with 2 copies of each.
Archivist Elysiana is a 8 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Rise of Shadows set!
Battlecry: Discover 5 cards. Replace your deck with 2 copies of each.
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What happens if yoy have no or less than ten cards in your deck? Do the cards still shuffle in your deck?
Counter for bombs and bloods and anti fatigue, basically an auto include in every control deck.
Everything I was going to say has already been said. 5/5
This will be some kind of tech card. Bombwarrior and some Hakkar decks will be there. You can just remove Bombs and Corrupted Blood from your deck. Besides that, the effect is really unique and she will see play 100%. But i think as a “control tool” the fatigue games will go very long if you dont hit value.
unlesss those decks will make up 30% of the meta noone will play this as a tech against them (techs against a single specific archetype rarely ever see play, usually the techs that see play are targetted towards one archetype, but also cover others like geist not only removing jadeidol but also other key 1-mana-spells like smite, inner fire, darkpact, play dead, druid spellstone, PW:S, PO, Shieldslam etc. pp.). however, hakkar and other fatiguedecks themselves will gain a 10 card advantage towards fatigue/remove the blood from their deck.
Hard to imagine this NOT seeing play in some kind of late game control deck, it extends your fatigue by 10 turns if you play it right after you draw your last card. Only question is if it’ll be made obsolete by the anti-fatigue mechanics Warlock and Rogue are getting, really can’t be predicted right now.
MEME: Look at this fire over her head!
Anti-Fatigue Card. Nothing more to say than it’s also control. I like the Battlecry Legendary from this expansion better.
STEP 1: Heistbaron Togwaggle (Choose Wondrous Wand)
STEP 2: Archivist Elysiana
STEP 3: Archmage Vargoth + Wondrous Wand
STEP 4: Profit
You missed part of step 2 you have to play togwaggles scheme or lab recruiter on archivist elysiana.
Better yet you could tag heidtbaron if he lived.
People are comparing this to elise and Benedictus? Wtf, are people missing where this card says draw 5? This card is nuts and is auto include in control decks
Where the hell did you get the idea from that it draws 5? Because it doesn’t.
Discovering the cards doesn’t add them to your hand.
Gigante is thinking of the wrong elise (the trailblazer). She does “draw” 5 cards but we’re all talking about the other elise here
no, she doesn’t draw 5 cards, one shuffles a pack (containing 5 cards) into your deck, the other shuffled the map of the golden monkey in the deck. shuffling a pack with 5 cards in the deck gives 5 cards for 2 mana as soon as you draw the pack, however she also stalls your fatigue by one, drawing 5 cards is getting you faster to fatgieu by 5 turns. this is very important for a contorle/fatiguedeck.
That’s why i wrote “draw” and not draw.
I merely used the same word as Gigante
Well idk why its “discover” then.. because discover always goes to your hand in every other case.. but if that’s true, then nevermind.. this card is bad
It literally says “replace your deck with a copy of each.” Nothing about adding it to your hand. And idk, if you’re in fatigue this seems okay, or if you need to burn cards in your deck (like bombs or bloods). I’m cautiously optimistic about this card.
It often doesn’t say that things are added to your hand, because that’s the default place things go when generated in hearthstone. That’s why this card specifically mentions they aren’t going into your hand.
I do agree that blizzard is inconsistent with their card text, but this absolutely doesn’t go into your hand. It’s still super Coll as an anti fatigue card though.
Why did autocorrect turn “cool” into “Coll” though…
discover goes to your hand, unless the card text says differently. eg. discover a legendary minion, summon 2 copies of it
It’s a good card to exist, great in arena, all around just a fun card that will have highlights I’m sure.
Anyone wanna play this in warlock with void contract? The memes of that will be hillarious. Played on a curve your deck will have about 10 cards or less in it anyway. Also for any replies keep in mind what a MEME deck is your goal isn’t a high win chance but to win under ridiculous conditions.
way to much effort to have a worse rin.
I’d still play it because imagining face of opponent when lose to a ridiculous deck is an amusing thought. How would you react if someone killed you with a deck centered around one of the chickens? I came close once then the guy quit.
pretty interesting lategame card for control decks i guess, a little bit like Benedictus
Play this super late game after youve dropped Nozari to reload for round two as your opponent dies a slow horrible death.
:> my plan exactly
Cool counter to opponents shuffling crap into your deck- Bomb Warrior, Corrupted Bloods. Also potentially good to deal with fatigue. Downside is that most games don’t get to fatigue, so you’ll end up holding onto a dead card in your hand.
This is a tool for control decks to use vs. other control decks and combo decks. Hard to tell whether the meta will be slow and greedy enough for this to see play; maybe it will, maybe it won’t. 3/5
Fun card. Interesting effect BUT it wont see play.
1) it’s only an anti fatigue-tool. You cant play it in the “early/mid game”.
2) if you’re playing a against a control match up your oponent will also have the card in his deck, so the only difference will result in the RNG for discovering the 5 cards.
3) if the meta lead us to use this card that means that HS as a game is broken :p
When did you start playing HS? I’m asking because this game has already had a meta where fatigue scenarios were frequent. Control warrior used to win like that (and ran elise, which is comparable to this new card).
That’s what happens when infinite value doesn’t exist
I play HS for about 4 years! But i’ve never seen a meta wherer fatigue is the “usual”…
I played some anoying metas like the Warrior Pirate, the Jade Druid but getting to fatigue in almost every game would be pretty weird :p
I’m sure if I say wallet warrior it rings a bell :’)
I actually think it’s kinda lame that this card techs so easily against Hakkar, and with an effect that fatigue decks will want to use anyway :/ it’s nice for matches to.. y’know.. end at some point.
On the flip side, it’s nice that now any deck can play Hakkar and remove their own bloods, not just Paladin and Warlock.
Rogue has a method as well Myra unstable element can draw burn the blood and just refill with espionage. Or they can just overload the deck with cards reducing draw chance of pulling for a while.
I don’t know what Galvadon is smoking, but I want some of that.
This is pretty much only playable as a tech in fatigue control matchups (it’s reminiscent of the first elise). I like it
The V A L U E is insane but who knows. The upside is that now every class has a way to destroy Hakkar’s Corrupted Bloods, which could be very skill-testing in the mirror or invalidate Hakkar altogether. That being said, you could low-roll spectacularly, but I don’t think you would play this card until you have nothing left in your deck. Currently only Warrior and Priest are decks that I could see utilizing this for some sort of grinder deck; Warlock might have better options with Plot Twist or Glinda + Baleful Banker.
There are a lot of signals in this set that fatigue-based control concepts are going to make a comeback. This card is great both for and against such decks. I dig it.
This is myra’s unstable and Nomi’s baby. This honestly could be a Rogue legendary and you wouldn’t tell the difference. That’s not saying that this card is useless in other classes far from it. Imagine Rafaam and this for a reload in Warlock? Or as an emergency deck refill for Holy Wrath Paladin? The possibilities are endless
Yeah good control card to stall fatigue..
This card is very powerful, even if it’s not so good to replace your deck this literally lets you keep your hand on top of drawing those 5 cards you discovered. If you are topdecking, this is a saving grace at least in control matchups. Not the best card but situationally it’s very good.
dont know how much play it will see but looks cool, still better than rafaam
Sure It’s all fun and games until you keep a dead card in your hand for 20 turns and then shuffle Angry Chickens, Novice Engineers and Wisps into your deck
Haha yeah xD
I mean if you’re a retard and pick those cards yeah
clearly you haven’t played enough arena if you think a choice of 3 trash cards is something uncommon… Especially before ranking buckets
Also love this card, will probably not see play in to many decks, but good in those that can have it.
Poor mill rouge or warlord discard opponents deck or toggwaggle decks, now need a few more turns for them to be effective.
But thing I am think is that can it be used in aggro, I mean nobody want’s it early, but if a aggro lose steam against a deck they can try to refresh their deck with bigger minions or spells…. Or can be used in quick draw decks (not rouge though since they have better things)
The only problem is it’s super random. If I understand it correctly it can be any spell and any minion from all classes and neutral. So the odds of drawing 5 good cards (that you want that game) is rather slim.
Sad thing is here I was hoping that the darkness could be more playable if many warlocks used plot twist, but if this get’s playable darkness will be more nerfed and also warriors bombs
Darkness will be wild only anyway. It’s true tough that warriors bombs are slowly becoming less and less efficient.
8 mana 7/7 is not that bad of a stat like. It is ONLy usable in control. Cheeting fatigue was very hard and only few classes could do it. Now you can’t play infinitely there is 45 turns limit so there goes the fun :). It however offers you 0 board prescence and most aggro decks would just kill you really fast.
We have seen in tavern brauls that putting 5 cards that synergize with themselfs can bring a ton of value. But it way too random. Even with standarts limited card pool.
This card however can give you this extra value after using mira’s unstable element. And turn your aggro deck into a midrange deck. If your oponents isn’t dead. And it can make tempo rogue a very interesting deck type. We are seing tempo pirate rogues running mira. And a lot of decks can’t keep up with the steam. On the other hand a single coppy of academis espionage is potentially more valueable in those cases but this is a bit more consistent. Probably. We must teast it to be shure.
Definitely an interesting card. It’s main uses are to postpone your fatigue count for 10 or possibly to destroy corrupted bloods.
To be honest, this might be better than Arch-Villain Rafaam for warlock. Both have similar effects, however this one allows you to discover those cards and thus gives you more control of what you get (and expect to draw). In addition it doesn’t mess with your hand. The only downside is that elysiana doesn’t have taunt and is limited to 10 cards only.
So happy to see this for my ‘Controlling Chef’ Mill Shaman theorycraft:
Oh wow this card is awesome let’s mark the top uses. Fatigue stall, removing corrupted blood, also allows anyone to play chef nomi and only requires 2 deck slots. This is a very usefull card for a draw intensive deck. Helps bring to mind that they’re focussing more on battles going to late game with downgrade of power.
What in the world???? Discover 5 Cards? So i choose 5 times one out of 3 and than iam shuffling these 5 in my deck with one more copy of each??? Holy cow!!! This can roll insanely. I like! This will cost me 3 turns, choosing those cards
I am in love..
But also thankfull we got so much combo breakers in the new format
How is this a combo breaker?
He means there’s alot of cards being added that breaks combos if you lose your combo you’d normally just auto concede. Like druid burning tog or priest burning maly and velen. People build decks around those strategies so if lose them your chances of winning drop insanely. This allows another chance by putting 10 new cards in the deck not linked to the combo. Most combo decks tend to thin they’re deck quickly so 10 more cards is a blessing.
To put this in a combo deck is a bad idea. You would only play this if you somehow lost your combo pieces. If you play it before, you will destroy your own combo, and if you already have your combo in hand, you don’t need it, because you just win. So it would basically be a completely dead card 95% of the time.
What I mean is they’ve been adding anti combo cards like hecklebot and even possibly unseen saboteur. If your opponent does something to an important part of your combo before your ready you may not have another win condition. Like said alot of combo decks use heavy draw power to pull the pieces but if pieces go into play early your in trouble. Like togwaggle druid was if you lost tog or azalina it was likely all over for you because your whole deck was control and draw based. This is basically a card that yes it’s dead till late game but if your opponent used a combo breaker you might still have a chance.
The dream with this card is to make a combo. We’ll need tools to stop it.