Annoy-o-Module is a 4 Mana Cost Rare Paladin Minion Mech card from the The Boomsday Project set!
Card Text
Magnetic Divine Shield Taunt
Flavor Text
Every ten seconds it asks if you want to update.- Mana Cost: 4
- Attack: 2
- Health: 4
- Crafting Cost: 100 / 800 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 20 / 100 (Golden)
- Rarity: Rare
- Class: Paladin
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Mech
- Set: The Boomsday Project
- Mechanics: Divine Shield, Magnetic, Taunt
Annoy-o-Module Card Review
It seems like this expansion is going to have quite a few Magnetic cards, for better or for worse. And this is another one. Annoy-o-Module is basically Annoy-o-Tron x2. Double Attack, double Health, double Cost, with an extra Magnetic.
2/4 with Divine Shield on Turn 4 is comparable to Saronite Chain Gang. Does it make a good card? Definitely not. Chain Gang is not a great 4-drop by any means. It’s played mostly in the decks that run Prince Keleseth (like Zoo), need it for the combo (like Shudderwock) or have some extra synergies (like Taunt Warrior). 2 bodies are slightly better, but this is more resistant to AoE, so I’d say they’re about even. Alternatively, it’s a Lone Champion without a condition, but with +1 mana. Lone Champion is good when you proc it, but it costs 3 mana, and that’s a big difference. Playing it on Turn 4 is not really great. So all in all, the minion is mediocre at best. It can be okay in some situations, but it won’t be amazing.
But, here’s when the Magnetic comes into action. +2/+4, Divine Shield and Taunt are really good for a 4 mana spell. The direct comparison would probably be Blessing of Kings. While 2 less attack sure hurts, I think that DS and Taunt make up for it quite nicely. Vs aggressive decks, it creates a big obstacle in their way, and against slower decks it makes it harder to remove with direct damage, both of which are good.
Now, the problem is that we need something good to curve into it. Right now, the only 3-drop Mechs in Standard you can consider playing are Harvest Golem and Nightmare Amalgam. If Amalgam sticks on T3, then buffing it on T4 creates a 5/8 minion with Taunt and Divine Shield, which is massive, it’s like having a 7-drop or 8-drop on T4. On coin, you can also play Upgradeable Framebot on T2 into Coin + this on T3, for a 3/9 minion with Taunt + DS. Unless Silenced, that’s enough of a wall vs Aggro. It would sometimes just win the game, since you will be dropping more Mechs behind it every turn, or buffing it, and it would take 2-3 turns for the Aggro deck to get through so early in the game.
One thing that’s important is that dropping it on T4, especially into small board / no board, can also be a serious consideration. It’s a sticky Mech, so it’s quite likely that it will survive, so you can buff it with Wargear (7/9 with DS and Taunt in the best case scenario) or Zilliax, although the Zilliax is a bit redundant if you have DS + Taunt on this already.
Of course, this card is just bad in any deck besides Mech Paladin. Without Magnetic synergies, this is comparable to Saronite Chain Gang, which is not really played in Paladin, or a 4 mana Lone Champion without requirement, which would also be pretty bad. And while it’s way too early to judge, I feel like Paladin might have what it takes to make a high tier Mech deck. And I’d say that this is a solid card in such a deck, especially since 4-drop slot in Paladin is pretty barren after Call to Arms nerf. In a deck full of Mechs, I would take it over Blessing of Kings any day, and we all know that BoK is a really solid card in Midrange Paladin decks.
Card rating: 7/10
Divine shield is what makes this card great. Think of a situation where you have a 3/3 on board and your opponent plays a 5/5 on their turn 4. You can use this to buff your 3/3 to a 5/7 and then trade it in without it taking any damage. Now, this is obviously a pretty optimistic situation, but whenever a play like this happens the tempo swing will be amazing. And even when the situation is suboptimal, this card still lets one of your minions do 4+ damage to an enemy minion for free, and you’re left with a pretty gigantic taunt, considering the rather early state of the game,
Assuming Mech Paladin sees any play, this will be one of the most powerful cards in any list, if it doesn’t, it obviously won’t see play either.
I give this card a solid 4/5. 3/5 for normal drop, 5/5 if you consider it as a buff spell plus versatility in a pinch if you must play it as a stand alone. It’s not the worlds best by itself, but magnetized makes for some ridiculous drops, enough to warrant it being decent in my honest opinion as it’s obvious most of the cards coming are going to be mechs. The only problem I see with magnets are they are easy 1 targets.
So we had Annoy-o-tron, a 1/1 Divine Shield Taunt, now Annoy-o-tron’s big brother
4 mana 2 4: Literally make any mech potentially annoying or just be annoying on the battlefield by itself
It’s ok, not gonna see play in Constructive but probably in arena
The problem I can see with it in Arena is that it’s likely to lose the versatility – unless you draft some mechs – making it a 2/4 Taunt + Divine Shield for 4 most of the time.
Is that really viable in Arena?
I don’t really do Arena so that’s a genuine question
Way too early to call that, this is the only paladin card we have seen and we don’t have all the neutral mechs yet.
well spikeridge steed was add 2/6 to a cards and deathrattle for 2/6 more And its in every paladin deck that can afford to run it. So 2 mana less for -2 hp and one boddy for divine shield is amazing. And don’r forget gen graymane. You get this and spikeridge steed and a cheep 1 mana boddy. with sound the bells but no galvadon. Although its just a big dream until ungoro starts belonging to the titans :D.
This is a pretty good little tool for a Mech Paladin to play with. It won’t see play if Mech Paladin does not see play, and it won’t make or break the deck.
I want to say this is stronger than Blessing of Kings as a spell since the loss of 2 attack is more than made up for by the Divine Shield and Taunt, but as a four drop minion, it is rather weak.
All of the magnetic cards trade power for versatility, but they won’t be able to make the mech decks on their own. Hopefully, the non-magnetic Mechs will prove to be pretty strong on their own since they will be the cards that allow Magnetic to really be pushed.
Calling it now…. They’re gonna reprint Vilefin Inquisitor but for Mechs
I thought it’d be cute if there was a paladin card that changed the hero power to summon boom bots instead of dudes, it’d be really powerful but it would also not allow for dude synergy with level up or Lightfused stegodon
It would totally broken. It would not be used in dude paladin of course, but in all the other ones it would be so broken.
I Have a feeling the new warrior Hero Card (Mad Genius Dr. Boom) will probably have something to do with summoning boom bots.
Summoning Boom Bots when you play him would be too close to the original… so, I doubt Blizzard will do that.
I think it’ll be something like a hero power that adds a Magnetic Boom Bot to your hand.
well what about summoning 2 doombots. or just the bomb effect. like mini rag deal 1-4 dmg to a random minion
Mmmmm… difficult to assess this one. I don’t think it will see play unless Mech Paladin becomes a thing. I’d rather +4/+4 my mech most of the time with Blessing of Kings than give it +2/+4, Taunt and Divine Shield. Of course sometimes you need the Taunt or the Divine Shield is better, I’m just saying Blessing of Kings is a nicer buffer on average.
I think that BoK is better on average, but in mech decks this could be better than it. I would be fine trading 2 attack for divine shield and taunt: first of all, divine shield and taunt make a combo together; secondly, having more hp than attack is better for taunt minions. This card can be played also as a minion and BoK cannot, BUT BoK can be played on the dudes you summon from your hero power. I am not sure about this card, so I wouldn’t be so sure about it being less powerful than BoK.
I’m not sure about this one – in Wild Divine Shield Paladin is a niche thing but it doesn’t tend to run any Mechs bar Shielded Minibot… which already has Divine Shield. Granted, after it’s lost the shield, you could give it a new one, Taunt and +2/+4 but, unless you’re on the coin, you can’t curve the minibot into this.
You could glue it to a Spider Tank but that means you’re making a Mech Paladin deck – which has never really been a thing, has it?
Dropping it as a 2/4 Divine Shield, Taunt creature for 4 mana doesn’t seem that great.
It’ll depend on what additional support Mech Paladin gets I suppose.
Also, Spider Tank is a Hunter card.
Spider tank is neutral. Are you taking about the new one in the upcoming set?
It’s kinda eh. Probably not bad, but I don’t see it.
I’m amused that this one is receiving less hype than Zilliax. They trade blows, but I think its health and cost make this one better when disregarding class.
Overrated. I don’t want a 4 mana lone champion as my fail state. Not good enough to give a mech +2/+4 and divine shield for 4. Would rather have kings.
Just bad.
Just like the 5 mana 5/5, if it’s compared to BOK this one doesn’t require a target. The two attack is a trade for a divine shield. I agree that it’s unproven; time will tell.
(cards good though, really good, actually. It’s like Lone Champion, but better. 4 stars.
It’s annoy-a-tron‘s big brother with magnetic. Love the art! As a minion it’s like a lone champion without the requirement, for 1 mana more with a mech tag. As a buff it has the cost as blessing of kings, for 2 less attack you get divine shield – depends on the situation what’s better.
A BoK that can only target mechs tho…
divine shield is worth about 1/1 of stats, so this is like a mech senjin with the option to buff something.
It should be good enough to play in a mech paladin, but not a good enough reason to build such a deck.
Not bad.
Not OP
Just good.
What do I see? A good card.
Power creeps psychotron.
5 Mana 3/4 divine shield taunt
Well we have a 3/5 taunt in Standard. Ignoring the magnetic this Card is on the same powerlevel. I wanna wait to see if magnetic is really an effect worth to Play. It’s definetly not better then for example Arcanologist so ist not a power creep but maybe a good Card. 4/5
Why are you comparing this Paladin card to Arcanologist?
I don’t know a Card with is more op nowadays but your right there are very different. Since Psycotron wasnt good this Card is fine.
Not really power creep since it’s Paladin-only. That’d be like calling Leyline Manipulator power creep over Chillwind Yeti…Class cards are expected to be more powerful than neutral cards.
No one really played Psychotron. You can’t powercreep a card that was below the power curve to begin with.