Ancient of Growth
Ancient of Growth is a 7 Mana Cost Epic Druid Minion card from the TITANS set!
Card Text
Choose One - Summon three 2/2 Treants; or Transform your Treants into 5/5 Ancients with Taunt.
Flavor Text
Who passed greenhouse gas?Ancient of Growth Additional Information
Cards Relating to Ancient of Growth
Treant (TITANS) Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2 |
Timeless Ancient Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 5 - Health: 5 Taunt |
This card is payoff for the whole “choose one-cast both”-archetype.
This card is super strong if you can trigger its battlecry with both effects combined
to get 4 5/5 which 3 of them has taunt is solid and pretty great threat if you have the buff spell in hand.
But I can imagine that this will not always happen and you want consistency, also the other choose one cards are better right now.