Al’ar is a 5 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion Elemental card from the Ashes of Outland set!
Card Text
Deathrattle: Summon a 0/3 Ashes of Al'ar that resurrects this minion on your next turn.
Flavor Text
Week #679: Still no mount...- Mana Cost: 5
- Attack: 7
- Health: 3
- Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
- Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
- Rarity: Legendary
- Class: Neutral
- Card Type: Minion
- Minion Type: Elemental
- Set: Ashes of Outland
- Mechanics: Deathrattle, Summon
Al’ar Additional Information
Cards Relating to Al'ar
Ashes of Al'ar Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Health: 3 At the start of your turn, transform this into Al'ar. |
Ashes and dust….400dust
This card isn’t as bad as it looks; in an aggro deck on turn 5 against a midrange or control deck that has no minions on board, this thing is going to be really difficult to remove. It can’t be ignored because 7 damage is a lot to deal with, but it can’t be killed with just 1 removal or AOE because it will just respawn. I think this card has potential to see play in a hyper-aggro minion based deck. Maybe zoo priest? I’m not sure exactly what class is going to have the hyper-aggro deck, but I’m sure this will fit in somewhere as a strong semi win condition. I’m surprised this card is getting bashed in the ratings so hard. I would give it a 3/5 as something used in a potential tier 3 deck of zoo priest or warlock
This would’ve been so much better with RUSH and the ashes with DORMANT for 2 turns or something like that..
Well this is going into my Making Mummies deck…
Terrible card, 1/5.
Anivia is that you?
This wouldn’t be too bad if it had rush and you got immediate value? But even then it would just be ‘okay’.
Doesn’t seem like much but something might come up for it I mean it is a deathrattle so it’s possible something will come up.
It’s not to bad a target for quest pally since losing some of the better card combos with the HP. Would have a higher chance of living if had 4 minions opponent had to kill to get it off the board. Overall I’ll take a wait and see something might come up that goes well with it.
Alright folks, we have the first bad legendary of the expansion.
Can be fully defused with two sources of 3 damage, which Hunter can have on T3 ???? and even later on any class with Faceless Corruptor would get to develop against you for free.
I’m trying to think of cheaters for this card (Psychopomp? Mummy Wraps? Anka?) but they all seem better suited to some other payoff. They’ll probably print some Elemental bonuses for this set, but they’d have to be crazy aligned to this card to make it worth it.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 1/5
Pally quest is getting a nerf with rotating mechs so this isn’t to bad a target not great but better than nothing.
Terrible card 5/5 would have been better actually or 7/3 with rush that would have been a real legendary. 2/5 stars.
After introducing, literally the “Reborn” tag last year, they come up with this?
Keywords like “reborn” only last for the expansion they’re released in. For example, that’s why you’ve seen cards with an “echo” effect but don’t actually say “echo”. But also “reborn” would have a much different effect than how this card reads.
There was at least one reborn card in the last expansion.
There were 2 reborn cards in galakronds awakening, which is an adventure, not an expansion.
So the opponent just needs two 2-drops to clear the minion and the egg?! …not really good
Ashes not egg
It’s sad that they decide to make kael’thus and phoenix 2 iconic characters from the lore and they made such an average cards ( actually bad but trying to be nice) reminds me of the last version of illidan… i was hyped about those 2 cards and they sux ????
We did it boys. We can finally do Eggnivia Priest in our Rez Priest.
Tournament Potential: 3 Stars
Meme Potential: 5 Stars
Phoenix, ok but it’s not immortal, the ashes can be targeted and removed before he rise again
“On your next turn” ? Does that mean “At the start of your turn”?
Yes. I’ll add Ashes card in a second.
Thanks !
just call this one “Phoenix”. Easier to remember