Abyssal Enforcer
Abyssal Enforcer is a 7 Mana Cost Common Warlock Minion Demon card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to all other characters.
Abyssal Enforcer is a 7 Mana Cost Common Warlock Minion Demon card from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set!
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to all other characters.
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Control Warlock… is it possible
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, it existed lol…. R.I.P. molten giants, as cheesy as you were, you were the only wall, trumps wall, between gul’dans purple face and the infinite swarms of aggro
It’s like having a Chillmaw, minus the taunt but with a guaranteed effect. I think Handlock/Renolock is going to see some great play until the rotation next year. (I’m going to miss playing Renolock but I’m not going to miss seeing Reno on ladder)
Chillmaw can be silenced, even if not, Chillmaw also dies.
Wow this card in arena, most of the time it will be much stronger than flamestrike, which is really insane.
Hellfire is 4 mana, so u r paying 3 mana for a 7/7.
If warlock gets more healing, great card. If warlock had only reno… renolock will still be dead.
With Kazakus, Kabal Chemist, Kabal Courier, and now this being added I find it difficult to believe that renolock will be staying dead when the expansion hits.
I like this card but this expansion is depressing
why depressing?
its just not as exciting in my opinion as other expansions and i just dont understand why blizzards making 4 cost 6/3 or 3 cost 3/1 deathrattle deal 2 damage to hero… makes me mad
They always add filler cards, the only difference between these, and the ones of expansions before, is that these aren’t even viable in arena… TGT, although for constructed was a disaster, it was pretty much, the arena expansion, and WOTG added some good arena vanilla cards too (besides grotesque dragonhawk)
Cards for Handlock? No it can’t be O_o Took a while but hey, glad to see some after the Karazhan disappointment.