
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Aldrachi Warblades
Demon Hunter Common Weapon 3 2 2
At the end of your turn, draw 3 cards.
Mage Legendary Weapon 6 0 3
After your hero attacks, draw a Pirate from your deck.
Warrior Legendary Weapon 3 2 2
Arcanite Reaper
Warrior Free Weapon 5 5 2
Arcanite Ripper
Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Lifesteal Undead. (Change your Health on your turn while equipped to improve!)
Death Knight Rare Weapon 3 3 2
Argent Lance
Battlecry: Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, +1 Durability.
Paladin Rare Weapon 2 2 2
Assassin's Blade
Rogue Rare Weapon 4 2 5
Auctionhouse Gavel
After your hero attacks, reduce the Cost of a Battlecry minion in your hand by (1).
Shaman Rare Weapon 2 2 2
Azsharan Trident
Deathrattle: Put a 'Sunken Trident' on  the bottom of your deck.
Warrior Common Weapon 3 3 2
Barbed Thorn
Choose One - Gain Poisonous this turn; or Gain "Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all enemies."
Rogue Epic Weapon 3 1 3
After you play a Taunt minion, gain +1 Durability.
Warrior Common Weapon 3 4 1
Blacksmithing Hammer
Tradeable After you Trade this, gain +2 Durability.
Warrior Rare Weapon 4 5 1
Blackwater Cutlass
Tradeable After you Trade this, reduce the cost of a spell in your hand by (1).
Rogue Common Weapon 1 2 2
Bladed Gauntlet
Has Attack equal to your Armor. Can't attack heroes.
Warrior Epic Weapon 2 0 2
Blood Razor
Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Warrior Common Weapon 4 2 2
Battlecry: Deal 5 damage to your hero.
Paladin Common Weapon 1 2 2
Bloodrock Co. Shovel
Deathrattle: Excavate a treasure.
Rogue Common Weapon 1 1 3
Honorable Kill: Gain +1/+1.
Hunter Common Weapon 2 2 2
Boggspine Knuckles
After your hero attacks, transform your minions into random ones that cost (1) more.
Shaman Epic Weapon 5 4 2
Bone Breaker
After your hero attacks a minion, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
Death Knight Common Weapon 1 2 2
Bone Glaive
Battlecry: Dredge.
Demon Hunter Common Weapon 5 5 2
Boom Wrench
Miniaturize Deathrattle: Trigger the Deathrattle of a random friendly Mech.
Warrior Rare Weapon 3 3 2
Brass Knuckles
After your hero attacks, give a random minion in your hand +1/+1.
Warrior Epic Weapon 3 2 3
Bulwark of Azzinoth
Whenever your hero would take damage, this loses 1 Durability instead.
Warrior Legendary Weapon 3 1 4
Calamity's Grasp
Deathrattle: Add a random Outcast card to your hand.
Demon Hunter Rare Weapon 1 1 2
Immune while attacking.
Hunter Common Weapon 1 1 3
Carving Chisel
After your hero attacks, summon a random basic Totem.
Shaman Common Weapon 2 1 3
Cavalry Horn
Deathrattle: Summon the lowest Cost minions from your hand.
Paladin Common Weapon 5 3 2
Celestial Ink Set
After you spend 5 Mana on spells, reduce the cost of a spell in your hand by (5). Lose 1 Durability.
Mage Rare Weapon 2 0 2
Ceremonial Maul
Spellburst: Summon a Student with Taunt and stats equal to the spell's Cost.
Paladin, Warrior Epic Weapon 3 2 2
Charged Hammer
Deathrattle: Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage.'
Shaman Epic Weapon 3 2 3
Climbing Hook
Doesn't lose Durability while you control a minion with 5 or more Attack.
Demon Hunter, Shaman Epic Weapon 6 5 2
Battlecry: Give a random friendly minion Divine Shield and Taunt.
Paladin Epic Weapon 3 2 3
Cogmaster's Wrench
Has +2 Attack while you have a Mech.
Rogue Epic Weapon 3 1 3
Corrupted Ashbringer
Death Knight Common Weapon 6 5 2
Counterfeit Blade
Battlecry: Gain a random friendly Deathrattle that triggered this game.
Rogue Epic Weapon 4 4 2
Craftsman's Hammer
Whenever your hero attacks, gain 4 Armor.
Warrior Common Weapon 4 3 0
Crystalline Greatmace
After your hero attacks, give all Draenei in your hand +2 Attack.
Warrior Rare Weapon 2 2 2
Cursed Blade
Double all damage dealt to your hero.
Warrior Rare Weapon 1 2 3
Death's Bite
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Warrior Common Weapon 4 4 2
Defiled Spear
After your hero a ttacks an enemy, deal your hero's Attack damage to another random enemy.
Demon Hunter Common Weapon 4 2 0
Desert Spear
After your hero attacks, summon a 1/1 Locust with Rush.
Hunter Common Weapon 3 1 3
Disco Maul
Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion +3/+3. (Play minions while equipped to improve!)
Paladin Common Weapon 3 3 2
Windfury, Overload: (2)
Shaman Epic Weapon 5 2 8
Dragon Soul
After you cast 3 spells in a turn, summon a 5/5 Dragon.
Priest Legendary Weapon 3 0 3
Dreadlord's Bite
Outcast: Deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Demon Hunter Common Weapon 3 3 2
Dreadprison Glaive
Honorable Kill: Deal damage equal to your hero's Attack to the enemy hero.
Demon Hunter Common Weapon 1 1 3
Eaglehorn Bow
Whenever a Secret is revealed, gain +1 Durability.
Hunter Rare Weapon 3 3 2