
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Branching Paths
Choose Twice - Draw a card; Give your minions +1 Attack; Gain 6 Armor.
Druid Epic Spell 4
Brass Knuckles
After your hero attacks, give a random minion in your hand +1/+1.
Warrior Epic Weapon 3 2 3
At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to all enemies. Honorable Kill: Restore 4 Health to your hero.
Paladin Epic Minion 8 9 7
Destroy all minions except one. (chosen randomly)
Warrior Epic Spell 5
Return a friendly minion to your hand. Summon a Dancer with its stats and Rush.
Rogue Epic Spell 1
Bridge Riff
Summon a 3/4 Rocker with Taunt and a 4/3 with Rush. Finale: Play your last Riff.
Warrior Epic Spell 5
Bright-Eyed Scout
Battlecry: Draw a card. Change its Cost to (5).
Neutral Epic Minion 3 3 4
Bring It On!
Gain 10 Armor. Reduce the Cost of minions in your opponent's hand by (2).
Warrior Epic Spell 2
Bronze Dragonknight
Taunt. Battlecry: If this has 5 or more Attack, summon a copy of this.
Paladin Epic Minion 4 3 5
Brutal Annihilan
Taunt, Rush After this minion survives damage, deal that amount of the enemy hero.
Demon Hunter Epic Minion 9 9 9
Burden of Pride
Summon three 1/3 Jailers with Taunt. If you have 20 or less Health, give them +1/+1.
Warrior Epic Spell 4
Burgly Bully
Whenever your opponent casts a spell, add a Coin to your hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 4 6
Cabal Acolyte
Taunt Spellburst: Gain control of a random enemy minion with 2 or less Attack.
Priest Epic Minion 4 2 6
Cabal Shadow Priest
Battlecry: Take control of an enemy minion that has 2 or less Attack.
Priest Epic Minion 6 4 5
Cabalist's Tome
Get 3 random Mage spells.
Mage Epic Spell 4
Call of the Grave
Discover Deathrattle minion. If you have enough Mana to play it, trigger its Deathrattle.
Priest Epic Spell 1
Call of the Wild
Summon all three Animal Companions.
Hunter Epic Spell 8
Call to Arms
Recruit 3 minions that cost (2) or less.
Paladin Epic Spell 4
Cannon Barrage
Deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each of your Pirates.
Rogue Epic Spell 6
Captain's Parrot
Battlecry: Put a random Pirate from your deck into your hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 2 1 1
Capture Coldtooth Mine
Choose One - Draw your lowest Cost card; or Draw your highest Cost card.
Druid Epic Spell 2
Cardboard Golem
Battlecry: Increase the duration of Auras in your hand, deck, and battlefield by 1.
Paladin Epic Minion 4 4 4
Carnival Clown
Taunt Battlecry: Summon 2 copies of this. Corrupt: Fill your board with copies.
Neutral Epic Minion 9 4 4
Carnivorous Cube
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion. Deathrattle: Summon 2 copies of it.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 4 6
Carnivorous Cubicle
Battlecry: Destroy a friendly minion. Summon a copy of it at the end of your turns.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 4 6
Carry-On Grub
Battlecry: Get a 1-Cost Suitcase. Pack the top 2 cards of your deck into it.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 5 4
Cascading Disaster
Destroy a random enemy minion. Corrupt: Destroy 2. Corrupt Again: Destroy 3.
Warlock Epic Spell 4
Destroy all minions. Discard 2 cards.
Warlock Epic Spell 5
Cathedral Gargoyle
Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain Taunt and Divine Shield.
Paladin Epic Minion 2 2 2
Cattle Rustler
Battlecry: Draw a Beast. It costs (3) less.
Neutral Epic Minion 5 3 4
Celestial Alignment
Set your Mana Crystals to 0. Set the Cost of cards in your hand and deck to (1).
Druid Epic Spell 8
Celestial Aura
While you have exactly 1 minion in play, its Attack and Health are 10. Lasts 3 turns.
Paladin Epic Spell 6
Cenarion Hold
Your next Choose One card this turn has both effects combined.
Druid Epic Location 1
Cenarion Ward
Gain 8 Armor. Summon a random 8-Cost minion.
Druid Epic Spell 8
Ceremonial Maul
Spellburst: Summon a Student with Taunt and stats equal to the spell's Cost.
Paladin, Warrior Epic Weapon 3 2 2
Chain Lightning (Rank 1)
Deal 2 damage to a minion and a random adjacent one. (Upgrades when you have 5 mana.)
Shaman Epic Spell 2
Chained Guardian
Rush, Reborn Costs (1) less for each Plague shuffled into the enemy deck this game.
Death Knight Epic Minion 11 8 5
Chalk Artist
Battlecry: Draw a minion. Transform it into a random Legendary one (keeping its original stats and Cost).
Priest Epic Minion 4 4 3
Champion of Storms
After you cast a Nature spell, summon a 4/2 Elemental. Forge: With Rush.
Shaman Epic Minion 4 3 5
Champions of Azeroth
Choose Alliance or Horde. Get 2 of their Legendary Champions and reduce their Costs by (2).
Neutral Epic Spell 4
Chaos Gazer
Battlecry: Corrupt a playable card in your opponent's hand. They have 1 turn to play it!
Warlock Epic Minion 3 4 3
Chaotic Consumption
Destroy a friendly minion to destroy an enemy minion.
Warlock Epic Spell 1
Charged Devilsaur
Charge Battlecry: Can't attack heroes this turn.
Neutral Epic Minion 7 7 7
Charged Hammer
Deathrattle: Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage.'
Shaman Epic Weapon 3 2 3
Chatty Macaw
Battlecry: Repeat the last spell you cast at an enemy (at a random enemy).
Hunter, Priest, Shaman Epic Minion 3 3 3
Cheaty Snobold
After an enemy is Frozen, deal 3 damage to it.
Shaman Epic Minion 3 3 4
Whenever your opponent casts a spell, add a random spell with the same cost to your hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 4 3 6
Chemical Spill
Summon the highest Cost minion from your hand, then deal 5 damage to it.
Warrior Epic Spell 5