
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Air Guitarist
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Durability.
Neutral Common Minion 1 1 1
After you play a Taunt minion, gain +1 Durability.
Warrior Common Weapon 3 4 1
Bloodsail Cultist
Battlecry: If you control a Pirate, give your weapon +1/+1.
Warrior Rare Minion 3 3 4
Honorable Kill: Gain +1/+1.
Hunter Common Weapon 2 2 2
Whenever you equip a weapon, give it +1 Attack.
Rogue Common Minion 1 2 1
Captain Greenskin
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1/+1.
Neutral Legendary Minion 5 5 4
Corsair Cache
Draw a weapon. Give it +1/+1.
Warrior Rare Spell 2
Colossal +2 Your Crabatoa Claws have +2 Attack.
Rogue Legendary Minion 6 6 5
Cutthroat Buccaneer
Combo: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Rogue Common Minion 3 2 4
Deadly Poison
Give your weapon +2 Attack.
Rogue Common Spell 1
Doctor Krastinov
Rush When this minion attacks, your weapon gains +1/+1.
Rogue, Warrior Legendary Minion 5 4 4
Whenever your hero attacks, spend 3 Corpses to gain +1 Durability.
Death Knight Rare Weapon 5 5 1
Harmonic Hip Hop
Deal 1 damage. Give your weapon +3 Attack. (Swaps each turn.)
Rogue Rare Spell 2
Lady Ashvane
Battlecry: Give all weapons in your hand, deck, and battlefield +1/+1.
Warrior Legendary Minion 5 5 5
Mic Drop
Draw 2 cards. Finale: Give your weapon +2 Attack.
Rogue Common Spell 3
Naga Corsair
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 4 5 4
Nitroboost Poison
Give a minion +2 Attack. Corrupt: And your weapon.
Rogue, Warrior Common Spell 2
Battlecry: Dredge. If it's a minion or a weapon, give it +1/+1.
Warrior Rare Minion 2 3 2
Orgrimmar Aspirant
Inspire: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Warrior Common Minion 3 3 3
Parallax Cannon
Has +2 Attack if you've Discovered this turn. Spellburst: Your hero is Immune this turn.
Hunter Epic Weapon 3 2 3
Paralytic Poison
Give your weapon +1 Attack and "Your hero is Immune while attacking."
Rogue Rare Spell 1
Poisoned Blade
Your Hero Power gives this weapon +1 Attack instead of replacing it.
Rogue Epic Weapon 2 1 3
Priest of An'she
Taunt. Battlecry: If you've restored Health this turn, gain +3/+3.
Priest Epic Minion 5 5 5
Ratchet Privateer
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 3 4 3
Remixed Tuning Fork
Gains extra effect in your hand that changes each turn.
Warrior Rare Weapon 2 2 2
Runes of Darkness
Discover a weapon. Spend 3 Corpses to give it +1/+1.
Death Knight Common Spell 1
Self-Sharpening Sword
After your hero attacks, gain +1 Attack.
Rogue Rare Weapon 3 1 4
Sharp Shipment
Give your weapon +2/+2.
Mage, Paladin, Rogue Common Spell 4
Southsea Squidface
Deathrattle: Give your weapon +2 Attack.
Rogue Common Minion 4 4 4
Spectral Cutlass
Lifesteal Whenever you play a card from another class, gain +1 Durability.
Rogue Epic Weapon 4 2 2
Spiked Wheel
Has +3 Attack while your hero has Armor.
Warrior Common Weapon 1 0 2
Spirit Claws
Has +2 Attack while you have Spell Damage.
Shaman Common Weapon 1 1 3
Swarthy Swordshiner
Battlecry: Set the Attack and Durability of your weapon to 3.
Mage, Paladin, Rogue Epic Minion 3 3 3
Swinetusk Shank
After you play a Poison, gain +1 Durability.
Rogue Epic Weapon 3 2 2
Battlecry: Dredge. If it's a Pirate, give this weapon and the Pirate +2 Attack.
Rogue Rare Weapon 3 2 3
Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
Give your weapon +3 Attack. Combo: Give a random friendly minion +3 Attack.
Rogue Common Spell 4
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
If you have a weapon, give it +1/+1. Otherwise equip a 1/3 weapon.
Warrior Rare Spell 1
Vulpera Toxinblade
Your weapon has +2 Attack.
Rogue Common Minion 3 3 3
Weapons Expert
Battlecry: If  you have a weapon equipped, give it +1/+1. Otherwise, draw a weapon.
Warrior Rare Minion 3 3 2
Discover a Paladin weapon from the past. Give it +1/+1.
Paladin Common Spell 1