
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Squirrels into your hand.
Druid Common Minion 1 2 1
Addled Grizzly
After you summon a Beast, give it +1/+1.
Druid Rare Minion 2 2 3
Adorable Infestation
Give a minion +1/+1. Summon a 1/1 Cub. Add a Cub to your hand.
Druid, Hunter Common Spell 1
Draw 2 cards. Costs (2) less for each Treant you control.
Druid Rare Spell 5
Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Treant.
Druid Common Minion 3 2 2
Ancient of Growth
Choose One - Summon three 2/2 Treants; or Transform your Treants into 5/5 Ancients with Taunt.
Druid Epic Minion 7 5 5
Ancient of Lore
Choose One - Draw two cards; or Restore 7 Health.
Druid Epic Minion 7 7 7
Ancient of War
Choose One - +5 Attack; or +5 Health and Taunt.
Druid Epic Minion 7 5 5
Anodized Robo Cub
Taunt. Choose One - +1 Attack; or +1 Health.
Druid Common Minion 2 2 2
Anubisath Defender
Taunt. Costs (0) if you've cast a spell that costs (5) or more this turn.
Druid Epic Minion 5 3 5
Battlecry: Gain 5 Armor. Your next 3 minions this turn cost Armor instead of Mana.
Druid Legendary Minion 8 7 7
Aquatic Form
Dredge. If you have Mana to play the card this turn, draw it.
Druid Rare Spell 0
Arbor Up
Summon two 2/2 Treants. Give your minions +2/+1.
Druid Rare Spell 5
Archspore Msshi'fn
Taunt Deathrattle: Shuffle "Msshi'fn Prime' into your deck.
Druid Legendary Minion 3 3 4
Arkonite Revelation
Draw a card. If it's a spell, it costs (1) less.
Druid Common Spell 1
Astral Communion
Gain 10 Mana Crystals. Discard your hand.
Druid Epic Spell 4
Astral Phaser
Choose One - Deal 2 damage to two random enemy minions; or Make one Dormant for 2 turns.
Druid Rare Spell 2
Astral Tiger
Deathrattle: Shuffle a copy of this minion into your deck.
Druid Epic Minion 4 3 5
Choose One Silence a minion; or Give a minion Immune this turn.
Druid Common Minion 2 1 3
Your minions cost (1).
Druid Legendary Minion 9 5 5
Aya Blackpaw
Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.
Druid, Rogue, Shaman Legendary Minion 6 6 3
Azsharan Gardens
Give all minions in your hand +1/+1. Put a 'Sunken Gardens' on the bottom of your deck.
Druid Common Spell 1
Give a minion +3 Health. Gain 3 Armor.
Druid Common Spell 1
Choose a minion. Summon four 1/1 Bees that attack it.
Druid Common Spell 3
Choose One - Gain 12 Armor; or Summon two 3/3 Beetles with Taunt.
Druid Rare Spell 5
Best in Shell
Tradeable Summon two 2/7 Turtles with Taunt.
Druid Common Spell 6
Bewitched Guardian
Taunt Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each card in your hand.
Druid Rare Minion 5 4 1
Biology Project
Each player gains 2 Mana Crystals.
Druid Common Spell 1
Give your hero +4 Attack this turn and 4 Armor.
Druid Rare Spell 4
Blessing of the Ancients
Twinspell Give your minions +1/+1.
Druid Common Spell 3
Blood Treant
Costs Health instead of Mana.
Druid, Warlock Common Minion 5 2 2
Deal 3 damage to a minion. Costs (0) if you have at least 7 Mana Crystals.
Druid Common Spell 3
Choose One - Restore 8 Health to your hero; or Deal 4 damage.
Druid Rare Minion 5 4 5
Deathrattle: Add a Bottomfeeder to the bottom of your deck with permanent +2/+2.
Druid Epic Minion 1 1 3
Bottomless Toy Chest
Discover a card from your deck. If you have Spell Damage, copy it.
Druid Common Minion 2 0 0
Bouldering Buddy
Rush, Taunt Costs (1) if you have at least 10 Mana Crystals.
Druid, Warrior Common Minion 7 6 7
Branching Paths
Choose Twice - Draw a card; Give your minions +1 Attack; Gain 6 Armor.
Druid Epic Spell 4
Breath of Dreams
Draw a card. If you're holding a Dragon, gain an empty Mana Crystal.
Druid Rare Spell 2
Draw 3 cards and light them on fire. In 3 turns, any still in hand are destroyed!
Druid, Mage Rare Spell 3
Cactus Construct
Discover a 2-Cost minion. Summon a 1/1 copy of it.
Druid Rare Spell 1
Capture Coldtooth Mine
Choose One - Draw your lowest Cost card; or Draw your highest Cost card.
Druid Epic Spell 2
Celestial Alignment
Set your Mana Crystals to 0. Set the Cost of cards in your hand and deck to (1).
Druid Epic Spell 8
Celestial Dreamer
Battlecry: If a friendly minion has 5 or more Attack, gain +2/+2.
Druid Rare Minion 3 3 3
Cenarion Hold
Your next Choose One card this turn has both effects combined.
Druid Epic Location 1
Cenarion Ward
Gain 8 Armor. Summon a random 8-Cost minion.
Druid Epic Spell 8
Choose One - Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
Druid Legendary Minion 8 5 8
Chia Drake
Miniaturize Choose One - Gain Spell Damage +1; or Draw a spell.
Druid Rare Minion 4 2 4
Chitinous Plating
Gain 4 Armor. At the start of your next turn, gain 4 more.
Druid Rare Spell 2