Brann Bronzebeard Interactions

Here’s a list of some of the interesting interactions with Brann Bronzebeard. Some you might expect, but others are more surprising!

Thanks to TacoRocco for testing these interactions! TacoRocco would also like to thank his friends Syphir and NightKnight for helping him test these interactions!

Things to Note About Brann Bronzebeard

  • Minions with a targeting Battlecry (such as Youthful Brewmaster or Frost Elemental) only target 1 target, but trigger twice on that target.
  • Minions with Battlecry effects that don’t resolve immediately (like Echoing Ooze) only trigger once when they resolve and do not stack.
  • Minions that have a requirement to trigger (such as Dark Iron Skulker requiring a minion to be damaged) only activate if the required conditions are met when the battlecry activates. For example, if your opponent has an undamaged minion and an undamaged minion with divine shield and you play Dark Iron Skulker with Brann Bronzebeard on the field, it will trigger once on the undamaged minion and twice on the undamaged minion with divine shield (the first activation will remove divine shield and the second will deal actual damage).
  • Minions with totally random effects will trigger twice. For example, Madder Bomber will throw 12 bombs!
  • Minions with battlecries that give themselves buffs (such as Twilight Drake) will trigger twice and therefore double the effect.
  • Battlecry Discover cards will let you choose 1 card from 1 set of random cards, then 1 card from another set.
  • Antique Healbot will heal 16 and Coldlight Oracle will draw 4 cards. Good to know for mill decks!
  • Darnassus Aspirant will give you 2 mana crystals when it is played, so you can net 1 crystal even after it dies!
  • Blingtron 3000 will equip a weapon, then equip another weapon. BUT, if the first weapon has a deathrattle, it will not trigger when it is replaced.
  • Harrison Jones will only trigger once! He does not draw cards unless he destroys a weapon, and he only destroys the weapon once.
  • Vol'jin and Crazed Alchemist will swap minion health twice, therefore making them do nothing. However if a minion has reduced health (the health is red) and you do the double swap, the minion’s health will be SET to the lower health. This is good for stopping a minion from being healed to full health.
  • Mind Control Tech will activate twice if your opponent has 5 or more minions! You can nab 2 minions!
  • Combo effects that trigger when a minion is played DO NOT count as battlecry effects, and therefore only trigger once.
  • Battlecry Jousts will activate twice, giving you two chances to win the Joust!
  • Winning the Joust twice will give you the bonus both times!
  • Minions with cost changing abilities such as Loatheb will apply their effects twice, so Loatheb can make your opponent’s spells unplayable!
  • Minions that add cards to decks (such as Elise Starseeker and Iron Juggernaut) will add 2 copies of each card. This is useful for increasing the chances of those added cards being drawn!
  • Enhance-o Mechano triggers twice randomly giving your minions a possibility of two buffs (they will sometimes repeat the same buff)!
  • Injured Blademaster will deal 4 damage to itself twice killing the minion.
  • Dragon Consort will trigger twice reducing your next Dragon by 4-mana!
  • Neptulon will indeed give you eight Murlocs and only three overload.
  • Minions with a “gain” battlecry will double their effect and “gain” twice. For example, Darnassus Aspirant will yield 2 mana crystals upon play because you  “gain” a mana crystal twice.
  • Unearthed Raptor copies a deathrattle twice. Therefore, the deathrattle will trigger twice upon death. This ability can stack.

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  1. SirLazarPT
    November 24, 2015 at 4:34 AM

    Cabal Shadow Priest effect? Will you be abble to stole 2 minions form your opponent?

    • Evident - Author
      November 24, 2015 at 10:26 AM

      No, any battlecry that selects a target can only choose one target.

  2. pruittbrand
    November 23, 2015 at 10:58 AM

    Has anyone tested what happens with a damage effect like Blackwing Corruptor, if the first target dies?

    Do you get to choose a second target or does the second trigger of the battlecry just fizzle?

    • Evident - Author
      November 23, 2015 at 11:07 AM

      I’m not sure what happens with the extra damage (it probably hits twice overkilling the minion), but you for sure don’t get to choose a second target.

    • GFM
      November 23, 2015 at 12:40 PM

      Yeah I tried it with a Fire Elemental (Shaman) and it dealt twice 3 damage to the same minion, overkilling it.

  3. carlos
    November 22, 2015 at 2:48 PM

    what about jaraxxus? double effect too? 6 attack and 30 health?

    • Evident - Author
      November 23, 2015 at 8:52 AM

      It would just replace Jaraxxus a second time, it won’t give you a double buff.

  4. Tazz
    November 22, 2015 at 7:47 AM

    I just think it’s amazing no one mentioned Bronzebeard+Quartermaster will give you a possible burst of damage paladin has been missing..

    • TacoRocco
      November 22, 2015 at 1:58 PM

      I didn’t mention all of the specific interactions because there are so many, but it is implied that it should work because of the nature of Enhance-o Mechano and Twilight Drake. This post is more or less to give you an outline to how a card should interact with Brann. It is nice to note that with 10 mana you can do Hero Power, Brann and Quartermaster and get a 5/5 out of it. With the coin, you could replace Hero Power with Muster for Battle.

      • tazz
        November 22, 2015 at 3:30 PM

        When i talked about the combo it’s in a situation where you have silver hand recruits on deck.. I read about the others good examples you talked about, don’t know how i came out but hey, no hard feelings!

        • TacoRocco
          November 22, 2015 at 4:21 PM

          You’re fine. You should assume that you don’t have anything on your field. 1/1 recruits are easily removed, so you shouldn’t assume any are on the field at the time you do Brann and Quartermaster unless you use Muster for Battle or tap Hero Power. Most of the time, Quartermaster is saved for turn 8 when you can do Muster for Battle + Quartermaster. It is great at making a strong field out of nowhere.

  5. DarkLifer
    November 21, 2015 at 5:39 PM

    Test Harrison Jones on Patchwerk – I think it should work.

    • TacoRocco
      November 22, 2015 at 2:01 PM

      It should work similarly and only trigger once, since it is only destroying 1 weapon.