Blackrock Mountain Card Reviews and Speculation Round Up

Here’s a round up of streamers and pros discussing all the new Blackrock Mountain cards. If you’re looking for the full list of cards you can check it out here.

Brian Kibler’s Review

If you prefer well written card reviews then Brian Kibler is your best option. He also posted a video review of the final card release if you prefer to gaze at his beautiful hair.

Written Reviews

Video Review

StrifeCro’s Review

One of the best players in the world has done a 40+ minute review on Blackrock. You’ll remember StrifeCro was one of the people touting Dr. Boom as the best card in the GvG set, so his review was the one I was eagerly awaiting.

Reynad’s Review

Admirable, Chakki, and Ek0p’s Review

Noxious’ Review

Kripparian’s Review

Trump’s Review

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  1. ElGriego
    April 29, 2015 at 1:20 AM

    Hello, how does this site work? Is it possible to post your deck(s) here for others? Otherwise, how do you come by these decks? I would like to post a deck or 2 of my own 🙂

    El Griego

    • Evident - Author
      May 2, 2015 at 9:50 AM

      You can use the Contact form to send me decks here. I usually only post submitted decks that are more unique and that have reached legend.