Blackrock Mountain Card Interactions and Clarifications

Blackrock Mountain Adventure will be introducing 31 new cards to the game, and with new cards comes new effects and interactions. Ben BrodeCM Zeriyah, and CM Whirthun do a good job addressing these potential interactions, so I will gather their responses for easier consumption.

This post will be updated as new cards and clarifications are released.

Blackrock Mountain Patch

Any card balancing?

Zeriyah: “No card changes.” [Source]

Ysera working with Chromaggus?

Ben Brode: “We changed the text on Ysera in the patch to be more obvious how it interacts with Chromaggus.” [Source]

Hero Emote Changes?

Ben Brode: “was just a bug on the server we were playing on for the stream.” [Source]

Warsong Commander bug?

Zeriyah: “We’re also addressing the bug with Warsong Commander in the same patch.” [Source]


Does Chromaggus proc off Warlock’s hero power?

Ben Brode: “yes” [Source]

Does Chromaggus proc off Ysera’s Dream Card?

Ben Brode: “no, and the wording is more clear on Ysera in the patch.” [Source]

How many cards do you draw with Jeeves if your hand is empty and Chromaggus is on the board?

Ben Brode: “Should be 6” [Source]

What happens if you Far Sight or Call Pet a Beast when you have Chromaggus?

Ben Brode: “you get a copy but it’s not cheaper” [Source]

Would Wild Growth create 2x Excess mana if Chromaggus is up?

Ben Brode: “no, but the excess mana will draw you 2 copies of a card” [Source]

Gnomish Experimenter with Chromaggus? Do you get two chickens or one chicken and one minion if it draws a minion?

Zeriyah: “You win for hard questions today. One chicken, one normal card, if first card is minion.” [Source]

Dragon Consort

Does the Battlecry affect Dragons played during the next turn or is it only the turn you play it?

Ben Brode: “next turn too” [Source]

Druid of the Flame

Are Druid of the Flame’s forms Dragon or Beast?

Ben Brode: “both forms are beasts” [Source]

Emperor Thaurissan

Is Emperor Thaurissan’s effect repeatable?

Ben Brode: “happens every turn!” [Source]

Does it stack over multiple turns?

Zeriyah: “Yes” [Source]

Gang Up

Gang Up is minions in your deck, hand, or class?

Ben Brode: “minions on the battlefield” [Source]

Does it work on opponent minions?

Ben Brode: “yep!” [Source]

Grim Patron

Does Grim Patron still trigger if he has Divine Shield?

CM Zeriyah: “No it shouldn’t trigger if the damage was prevented with divine shield.” [Source]

What happens with a Grim Patron + Commanding Shout + Bouncing Blade on an empty board?

Ben Brode: “board full of 1-Health patrons” [Source]

Will Grim Patron summon other Grim Patrons during the bombing of bombers or do all the bombs hit first and upon survival does it summon Patrons?

Ben Brode: “the former” [Source]

Editor’s Note: This means if Madder Bomber is played and Grim Patron is struck with a bomb it will immediately summon another Grim Patron that can be potentially struck by the next bomb.

Lava Shock

How does this card work?

Max McCall: “PSA: Lava Shock unlocks mana that is overloaded both now and next turn. You can net mana with it fairly easily.” [Source]

Max McCall: “also if you started overloaded and Shocked before Feral you would be overloaded on turn 6” [Source]

Ben Brode: “It clears all locks, current and future.” [Source]

Majordomo Executus

What happens if you Alexstrasza yourself while you’re Ragnaros the Firelord?

Ben Brode: “15 health” [Source]

Does Ice Block persist through Majordomo?

Zeriyah: “Changing Heroes shouldn’t remove secrets or armor.” [Source]

Zeriyah: “Actually double checked armor – changing Heroes via Jaraxxus or Ragnaros does remove armor. My mistake!” [Source]

Will Steamwheedle Sniper let you target your hero power if you are Ragnaros?

Yong Woo: “that’s a good point. it’s not that way currently, but we’ll look into this!” [Source]

If the hero version of Ragnaros wins a game, which class is counted for the win?

Ben Brode: “whatever you started the game as” [Source]

Prophet Velen and Ragnaros Hero Power?

Zeriyah: “yup” [Source]

If a Blade Flurry is big enough to kill opponent and Majordomo, does he lose or become Ragnaros?

Zeriyah: “Opponent would die.” [Source]


If you play Nefarian against Jaraxxus do you get warlock spells or no spells?

Ben Brode: “warlock” [Source]

How does Nefarian work?

Whirthun: “To clarify, Nefarian pulls from the opposing class’ full suite of spells. He can also pull two of the same spell!” [Source]

What if I use Nefarian against Naxx Bosses (e.g. Loatheb)?

Zeriyah: “You get a special card. 😉 Tail Swipe.” [Source]

Rend Blackhand

Can Rend Blackhand Kill Lord Jaraxxus?

Ben Brode: “it can kill him in minion form but not the hero” [Source]

Can Rend Blackhand destroy your own legendary minion as well?

CM Zeriyah: “It works like all other cards that don’t have a specified target.” [Source]

Editor’s Note: Think of it like Big Game Hunter, if you have a 7 or more attack minion on your side and your opponent doesn’t, you are forced to destroy your own minion.

If Rend Blackhand is the only legendary in play, is he forced to destroy himself?

CM Zeriyah: “No” [Source]


Can Resurrect bring back creatures you mind controlled and then they died?

Ben Brode: “yes” [Source]

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