It’s been almost a week since Ashes of Outland has launched, and things have been rather calm after the early nerf patch. Right now we’re waiting for more info – whether we’ll see some more balance changes. I honestly would hope so, because right now we have 2-3 decks that really dominate the meta. It’s not as bad as it was very early with Tempo Demon Hunter being 60% or so of the meta, but I feel like DH could still use a small tweak or two.
In this post, we’ll compile best decks for every class. Keep in mind that not every deck posted here is amazing. We’re trying to figure out what are the best builds for each class. However, some of the classes are stronger, while other are weaker (e.g. Demon Hunter vs Paladin). We feel like this is more useful than just listing a few strongest decks, because some of you might want to play a specific class or just stay away from a certain one. Also, keep in mind that those are only example builds (usually either piloted by pro players to high Legend or showing the best win rate with available data) – there are a few ways to build some of those decks, and in a few days we’ll probably see different versions.
Without further ado, let’s get to the list!
Table of Content
Demon Hunter
- 0Innervate2
- 0Moonfire1
- 1Claw1
- 1Crystal Power2
- 2Ironbark2
- 2Power of the Wild2
- 2Rising Winds2
- 2Wrath2
- 3Bogbeam2
- 3Fungal Fortunes2
- 3Savage Roar1
- 3Soul of the Forest2
- 4Overgrowth2
- 5Glowfly Swarm2
- 7Overflow2
- 8The Forest’s Aid1
Highlander Hunter
Dragon Hunter
Highlander Mage
Spell Mage
- 1Aldor Attendant2
- 1Blessing of Wisdom1
- 1Imprisoned Sungill2
- 2Hand of A’dal2
- 2Libram of Wisdom2
- 2Murgur Murgurgle1
- 2Shotbot2
- 3Bronze Explorer2
- 3Consecration2
- 3Dragonrider Talritha1
- 4Lightforged Zealot2
- 5Aldor Truthseeker2
- 5Amber Watcher2
- 5Libram of Justice2
- 6Pharaoh’s Blessing1
- 7Lady Liadrin1
- 7Lightforged Crusader1
- 9Libram of Hope2
Murloc Paladin
- 1Cleric of Scales1
- 1Imprisoned Homunculus1
- 1Reliquary of Souls1
- 1Renew1
- 2Dragonmaw Sentinel1
- 2Penance1
- 2Shadow Word: Death1
- 2Thoughtsteal1
- 3Apotheosis1
- 3Breath of the Infinite1
- 3Holy Nova1
- 3Madame Lazul1
- 3Mindflayer Kaahrj1
- 4Shadow Word: Ruin1
- 5Chronobreaker1
- 5Convincing Infiltrator1
- 5Sandhoof Waterbearer1
- 6Aeon Reaver1
- 7Galakrond, the Unspeakable1
- 7Skeletal Dragon1
- 7Soul Mirror1
- 8Murozond the Infinite1
- 9Plague of Death1
- 0Backstab1
- 0Shadowstep1
- 1Blackjack Stunner1
- 1Dragon’s Hoard1
- 1Pharaoh Cat1
- 1Praise Galakrond!1
- 1Spymistress1
- 2Ambush1
- 2Bamboozle1
- 2Dirty Tricks1
- 2Eviscerate1
- 2Shadowjeweler Hanar1
- 2Skyvateer1
- 3Akama1
- 3EVIL Miscreant1
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3SI:7 Agent1
- 3Seal Fate1
- 6Flik Skyshiv1
- 6Heistbaron Togwaggle1
- 7Galakrond, the Nightmare1
I’ve seen face hunters with augmented porcupine and moknathal lion doing pretty well. Are they good enough to compete with some of the other hunter decks?
To be honest, I haven’t played against too many Face Hunters in Legend, but I’ll keep an eye on them
According to stats, it’s not the best deck you can play, but it doesn’t seem terrible!