There’s been a lot of discussion on forums and Reddit about balance changes to cards such as, Patches the Pirate or Corridor Creeper. It looks like if any changes are going to happen it will be next month where they have a planned update! Brode also mentioned that they have some cool events coming, so be on the look out for that.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a guarantee there will be changes, but if there are going to be changes they will be added next month.
Been reading discussions about balance; we have an update coming next month which includes some cool events, and that is when any balance changes would happen. We’ll be sure to announce any changes as the patch gets closer. See you at the HCT World Championship next week!
Nerf more common cards!
Some balance changes would be highly recommended … i’m really missing diversity in hearthstone for a while now … if you play 8 out of 10 games vs. priest or cube-locks, the fun to play is decreasing … especially if you like to try and test new decks or decks outside the meta and you have to realize, that these decks are completely chanceless … so, i really have great expectations into some balance changes or into the next expantion … AND please, make WARRIOR great again
(not pirate warrior, but CONTROL warrior, thanks in advance blizzard) 
It’s funny that one of the things standard was supposed to do was keep the meta fresh by rotating out omnipresent cards like Dr Boom, ensuring new archetypes every expansion/year – but the reduced card pool just seems to have made it so that there are fewer viable decks at any given time resulting in a more stale game as soon as the meta settles down.
It’s actually a more diverse game playing in Wild at the moment; Mage alone has 3 or 4 viable archetypes for instance (Secret, Spell-based aggro with Flamewaker, Freeze/Exodia and even Mech-Mage is still doable… I wouldn’t be surprised if a Big Spells Mage wasn’t viable as well).
“(..) but the reduced card pool just seems to have made it so that there are fewer viable decks at any given time (…)”
It’s more a question of balance, not of the number of cards. It’s normal to see a smaller number of decks compared to wild (as we can see between starndard and classic formats in other card games)
What makes shaman and warrior to not see game is not the lack of cards, it is the lack of calibration, but fortunately Blizzard is already aware that this is a problem (learned from the experience) and why should be given attention and corrected when appropriate.
please remove Patches the Pirate, CC and prince K from the game, barnes too
Patches and Barnes will rotate soon tho’ (although Barnes is not broken) Prince K
is not broken either
Why on earth would they nerf patches now when it is about to be rotated out. Unless its to stop it being used in wild.
Does seem a bit odd since moving cards to the “Hall of Fame” is one way they avoid nerfing things (Azure Drake)… seems a bit like it would be closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
waaah my opponent is playing cards waaaaah BabyRage
pls nerf anduin ty
Please a nerf to priest
Raza the Chained and Kazakus will rotate out when the next expansion goes live.
But the next 3months are gonna be priestdome and maybe some priest counters
But there are already good Priest counter decks out there. The problem is that you can only counter one type of Priest deck and not all of them since they all play so differently.
I see changes occurring to cards for Warlock and Priest though but not what people are expecting to change. It will be a ‘nerf’ like Spreading Plague most likely.