When it comes to HS Battlegrounds, devs (mainly Mike Donais) are sharing lots of small pieces of information all around social media, on Twitch streams etc. I’ve decided to gather some most interesting one from the last few days, which give us more insight about the direction Battlegrounds is heading into. Let’s start!
Dec 5th will be the first client patch where we can address balance. We will continue to adjust balance as we get more data too of course. (Source)
Mike has confirmed what he already said on a stream before – December 5th will be the next client patch (most likely a Descent of Dragons pre-patch), and it will be the time they can add more balance changes. If you don’t remember, we also have two new minions and three new heroes coming at that time!
Source: TidesOfTime Twitch chat, when talking about Lightfang Enforcer.
Yep, Lightfang is one of the cards that are going to be changed. Currently, it’s arguably the strongest card in the entire game, since it can snowball your setup in the late game incredibly easily, and it pays itself off basically after a single turn. Discovering an early Lightfang is a sure way into Top 4, and often a win too. We don’t know HOW the card will get nerfed, but some common ideas include moving it to Tier 6, removing some tribes from the buff pool (leaving it at 2 or 3 tribes) or reducing the buff to +1/+1. It’s hard to say what they will decide to go with, but it’s clear that the card WILL get changed in 2 weeks.
We are considering bringing Lich back at some point with 2 damage instead of 3. (Source)
We are testing her at 2 damage internally and she is a bit better with Floating watcher, and of course stronger in general. (Source)
Lich Baz’hial was one of the four heroes removed in the last patch to make room for the new ones. They said that they are removing two strongest and two weakest heroes, which clearly means that Lich was among the bottom two. While the hero wasn’t terrible in hands of an experienced player, taking that much damage early usually resulted in a quick loss – at some point you couldn’t afford to hero power anymore, and you couldn’t afford to lose any games. However, it seems like the card is being tested at 2 damage instead of 3. It might not seem like a huge difference, but after using Hero Power 5 times, that’s 15 vs 10 damage you’re taking, so it adds up – it can easily mean surviving one more loss. Another interesting tidbit is that Floating Watcher is one of the minions coming next patch, and Lich would have a pretty cool synergy with it. However, I would guess that it would come at 3 stars, which might be a bit too late, as Lich stops using the Hero Power in mid game unless it’s really needed (plus Demons strategy of taking extra damage from Wrath Weaver is not the best synergy with Hero that already takes a lot of damage).
Your opponent’s MMR affects the point gain also, my examples are assuming all opponents are the same rank as you.
I do think that the multiplier for playing people far below you or far above you is a bit off right now, so we are gathering some data and adjusting it in the future. (Source)
After the recent MMR changes, some players got confused and assumed that the amount you’re getting is flat, which is not true. MMR you gain still depends on the MMR of your opponents – if you face lower rated players, then you will gain less and vice versa. That’s why it’s possible to finish #5 and still gain a few points, or finish #4 and lose a few points. However, the multiplier for facing people who are much lower/higher than you will probably get adjusted, as you can read above.
The MMR change takes 1 full game to take effect so the first game it will use the old numbers. (Source)
Another small big of info is that if you see a small gain/loss in your first game after patch, don’t worry, that’s how it’s supposed to work – 2nd game will start using the new system.
We are discussing and working on a bunch of ideas to improve performance on low end phones/GPUs etc.
And finally, the team is working on some performance improvements for slower phones and GPUs. Previously, Mike has already mentioned that they’re working on improving animations or straight up removing some of the unnecessary ones. A bunch of animations are pretty annoying and too slow, which is a big issue on mobile devices – sometimes you load into the Tavern way later than your opponents (and thus have less time), because you had to sit through lots of them.
[…] Mike Donais Commentary […]
out of topic question, since It sooo frustrating to login to discord from a different pc.
(I hate discord for being too secure, verify this and that when the user is the same)
so, who win the Battleground Brawl? any info yet? I didn’t watched the stream at all.
Rust Buckets (Thijs, Kibler, Amaz, Kolento) won, Mega Fins (Hafu, Dog, Trump, RDU) were close second. They basically battled for the 1st place from the beginning, although other teams also caught up in the end
thanks. this mean i won’t get that bonus pack afterall. (since I thought Doom Bringer could make it)
but battleground brawl is a game of luck too. aside from skills and synergys oc.
i voted for rust buckets any info on when we will get the extra pack?
I agree that Lightfang needs something, but I’m conflicted towards exactly what. I do really how it carries menagerie comps late-game because I think menagerie are much more interesting than tribal flushes (e.g., mechs essentially come down to: if you get offered junkbot and enough replicating menace + security rovers you win; otherwise you lose). But at the same time, I also think its a little too easy to get versus what you get in return. Contrast with Iron Sensei, who’s just one tier lower and yet is almost always a dead card just because he’s only giving out a single +2/+2 whereas Lightfang does four. And I hate saying Lightfang should be moved to Tier 6, because Tier 6 is a huge late game investment and you’re really looking for things that will have immediate payoff circa Mama Bear, Kangor, Ghastcoiler, Zapp, etc.
I could see either making Lightfang only +1/+1 or limiting him to 2-3 targets, but for the latter: do you put in some wonky code where he randomly decides which tribes to ignore, or do you make it explicit? I fear if you make it explicit, you’re effectively changing menagerie from “murloc + mech + beast + demon” to mean whichever combination of tribes that Lightfang hits because there won’t be an incentive to carry all four tribes late-game any more.
I disagree with you on several points. First thing, Mech is also incredibly strong because of the early Cobalt Guardians. That one becomes such a power minion.
Iron Sensei is super strong if you get him relatively early – he is basically the booster minion secured and free every turn…
When it comes to lightfang, first of all it would give people more reason to go to tier6 and in 90% of the cases, I can guarantee you that people would still go for lightfang over most of the other minions.
At tier 6 though, there would only be 6 Lightfang Enforcers in the pool and there are fewer tier 6 cards… so that would boost the power of golden/triple cards at tier 5. Not only are you more likely to get offered an Enforcer but you’d also deplete the pool for everyone else left.
I think I’d prefer just dropping it to +1 / +1 and leaving it at tier 5.