The update that brings nerfs to popular cards, such as Rockbiter Weapon, Tuskarr Totemic, Call of the Wild, Execute, Charge, Abusive Sergeant, and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is live! You can now safely dust these cards for a full refund (make sure you’ve patched first). You should refund ALL of the cards because even if it is played in the future you can just recraft it at no loss!
If you are receiving the “Failed to load mono” error, try running the “Scan and Repair” feature under options in the launcher.
Here’s a graphic containing all of the nerfs:
Official Patch Notes
- The following cards have been changed:
- Call of the Wild now costs 9 mana, up from 8 mana.
- Execute now costs 2 mana, up from 1 mana.
- Rockbiter Weapon now costs 2 mana, up from 1 mana.
- Tuskarr Totemic now reads “Battlecry: Summon a random basic Totem.”
- Abusive Sergeant now has 1 Attack, down from 2.
- Charge now costs 1 mana, down from 3, and reads “Give a friendly minion Charge. It can’t attack heroes this turn.”
- Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End now stops casting spells when it leaves the battlefield or is silenced.
- You will no longer be able to disenchant extra copies of cards that are not part of your collection.
- Decks that are converted from one format (Wild or Standard) to the other will now automatically be added to the bottom of their respective list.
- [Mobile] Clients should no longer get stuck on the Waiting for Authorization message when purchasing the Welcome Bundle.
Blizzard why do you always have mess up everything. ?
Is there any of the cards that I should disenchant?
I would disenchant all of them unless you think you are going to use them immediately (you get a full refund so you can re-craft them). I would say at the moment Tuskarr Totemic, Rockbiter Weapon, and Abusive Sergeant are the ones that might not see play. Yogg-Saron, Call of the Wild, and Execute seem still good.
Do you think call of the wild would still see play? I had 2 copies and disenchanted just one.
I think it will, it’s still a solid card.
Can you keep us posted if the cards are still viable for play i.e. abusive sergeant in zoo if there are no replacements?
I’ll try!
The real questions is… what does hunter play on turn 8??
I think Secret Hunter might jump in a bit here, they typically play Rag (for the possible Barnes value), so at least they have something on 8. But the typical Midrange Hunter does have a big hole to fill there, and I can’t quite see what could fit. Another option might be the return of Face Hunter and just ditch the high cost cards completely.
Savannah Highmane + steady shot or one secret
End turn, wait for turn 9, lol
Coin call of the wild
coin + call
ragnaros? like most decks hahaha
“You will no longer be able to disenchant extra copies of cards that are not part of your collection”
I might be stupid, but really I don’t understand this sentence: what does it mean to disenchant cards that are NOT part of your collection? How can I disenchant something that I don’t have still? Really, I feel pretty stupid.
Here’s a response from Ben Brode: “There is a rare edge case where your collection will show you have an extra copy of a card that you don’t actually have. When players tried to disenchant that extra copy, it would dust the copy that they actually wanted to keep. We’ve added some protection against this. Sorry for the confusing patch note!” Source:
R.I.P all my decks… Should I disenchant Yogg(is it worth)?
You should disenchant it for now and see if it stays in play. You can always craft it again since you get a full refund.
the only card that remained for driud after the last driud nerfs… pffffff
My Yogg