It’s happening! Ashes of Outland expansion just went live. You can already log in and start opening new packs, playtesting new decks. Good luck with your pack opening sessions and early ladder play!
If you want to learn more about the set’s launch, check our our guide on that topic. Alternatively, if you’re looking for new decks, here’s our compilation.
Blizzard has also released a quick summary video of the first phase of Year of the Phoenix, showcasing the most important stuff (like new expansion, new class, Priest rework, new ranked system etc.). Check it out here:
Got golden priest prime minion from pre-purchase(okay with this, not too bad); maiev(worse, but still ok); magteridon or how is this demon called + golden alar from single pack(what deck should I play with this really bad cards?)
If you want to use Magtheridon, play warlock. Hellfire clears the tokens instantly and that combo has won a couple of games for me so far.
Tried out Face Charge Hunter (Play summon threee beast and have three big charge minions.)
And Demon Hunter, both in wild and both seemed very promising.
This expansion seems fun. right now everybodys is playing DH and it seems quite strong. It can very easily control the board in the early turns and it can easily snowball the gamefrom there..
The thing i hated tho, is that they put battlegrounds behind a paywall now. The “perks”(being able to choose between 3-4 heroes instead of 2 and stats) that we earned by buying packs in Decent of Dragons , now we have to either pay for them with real money or 2500 gold (thas a lot of gold). I just assumed they were going to use the same system as before.. =(
If we only play standard do we turn all of our cards that are now wild into dust?
Great, game is bugged, ODD Demon Hunter doesn’t trigger sometimes, and the game just crashed… F*ck you, blizzard
If eye beam is outcasted? and costs 0 in your opening hand then baku doesn’t trigger.
Oh, so that’s it… Thanks, my hero!
Well the system change with duplicates didn’t work, I got 40 duplicates in my 40 packs.
Are those duplicates Commons by any chance? Because you open all of the Commons after ~30 or so packs. And then you start getting duplicates.
Because the system absolutely worked for me.
For me too, all rares and commons for me.
When do I get my golden legandary from pre-purchase?
You would have gotten it as soon as you purchased the bundle.
I actually got it now after re-logging. Got Golden Zixor, pretty sweet
I got Golden Akama, not bad either
That’s probably even better
Akama seems to be one of the stronger cards from the set IMO!