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Our Ashes of Outland decks roundup features a full list of deck lists that have been played by legendary players, pros, and streamers. You will be able to find decks for all of the classes, including new Demon Hunter. We will be keeping this post updated throughout the beginnings of the new expansion (roughly the first 4-5 days).
Ashes of Outland is the first expansion of the Year of the Phoenix. We expect it to shake things up significantly, mostly because it’s coming with a new class and a Standard rotation. Rotation itself is not the most impactful (because Year of the Dragon was, on average, more powerful than Year of the Raven), but we are losing a few of the staple cards (most notably the Mech duo of Zilliax and SN1P-SN4P). We expect some of the older Tier 1 decks to still do well (e.g. Galakrond Rogue or Warrior), but other than that it’s very hard to predict the meta.
If you’re interested in reading more about all of our theorycrafted decks, check out this post!
Ashes of Outland Deck Lists
We’ll be featuring a bunch of theorycraft decks early on. Once the expansion has been released, we will be feverishly posting new decks for the first few days. After that it usually tapers off as decks become more refined. If this isn’t your first expansion then this is obvious, but be very wary of decks early in the expansion. A deck can be popular one day and then never heard from again. This has happened multiple times in the past, and usually happens at least once every expansion. If you are a budget player, we recommend holding off for at least a week before committing to crafting anything. Spending Dust on hyped Legendaries on Day 1 is a very common mistake, and can leave you without means to craft the actual meta Legendaries when everything slows down.
With the addition of Demon Hunter, ‘Sacrificial Pact’ should read ‘Destroy a FRIENDLY minion’.
Sacrifice means you should offer something of your own to gain something.
I don’t think it’s balanced to be able to destroy (high cost) enemy demons with a ZERO cost card AND gaining 5 health. Regardless of how powerful Demon Hunter is atm.
‘Sacrificial Pact’ can also be discovered by ‘Zephrys the Great’.
I just lost because my ‘Priestess of Fury’ (7 mana) got destroyed, where as I consider a Fireball or Polymorph to be fair.
I say we nerf all cards just to be safe
Sac pact is the only card keeping DH slightly balanced at the moment. DH is still really over tuned and the amount of damage they can deal by just curving out is ridiculous.
I tell you what feels more unfair to lose to, Kayn.
Kayn is an outland card which is a great card especially in a heavy taunt meta that will rotate out.
Sac pact is a basic card that counters an entire class and will probably do so in upcoming expansions.
Honestly I get your point. I personally think Kayn is one of the dumbest cards in the game.
Sac pact is a problem card I agree. I run a portal warlock deck and that also gets heavily countered by it: I also love Jaraxus and he’s completely unplayable at the moment.
However tempo/otk demon hunter decks are pretty over powered at the moment and sac pact does help balance that a bit. Not a perfect or good balance but one nonetheless.
So, any idea how to stop DH from “aggro-ing” all the time?
I’ve tried Big Druid, Too slow.
Gal-lock, Hand-lock, even Quest-lock, Not enough healing.
Ressurect Priest, and High-Warrior had good chance only to be OTK-ed by 32 damage to the face with Kael-thas combo.
All spell mage don’t have enough board clear.
Haven’t try Shaman, or Paladin (Not enough card collections, still saving dust for the best deck)
If all else fail, then I’ll succumb on using DH for ranked too.
Have you tried Galakrond Rogue? After the nerf of Dh I crush him 4-0.having plan for turn 6/7 is crusial
Yep, as you can see, I haven’t tried Rogue & Hunter deck at all.
I’m still lacking Toggwaggle and Shadowjeweler Hanar and maybe one or two cards filler. Don’t wanna lose that precious dusts.
Will craft if there are no more nerfs coming. (And if that deck proves the best meta).
I guess one more week before I tackle those diamond 1st. 11 more stars.
I’ve been using the Gal-Rouge that Pizza made back on day 2. Has good control from the early damage so you can make it to the later game and then you pretty much wreck.
Will try on later. Thanks for insight.
For now, it looks like its gonna be another crappy year for paladin…. Compared to other classes, it lacks of almost everything, card draw and poor control options hurts the most. I think pally needs rework, maybe even more than priest…
I had fun last night playing Libram Paladin as I have the cards for it – still struggles against DH though.
Thank you for listening to the community, best wishes.
DH nerfs announced: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/demon-hunter-nerfs-coming-out-today/
Man, i used to think pirate warrior was a pain in the ass and now i am looking at these DH braindead aggro decks. The fun thing is you either play a DH deck or you lose it. Some people say it’s not that bad, how cute of them to tell such things. God knows i miss the old times where mean streets of gadgetzan was first released. Know the only way for you to have fun is just to play DH aggro decks. And the fun thing is i actually have all the DH cards and can craft every DH deck but i don’t want it because i think it seriously is not fun. I tried highlander DH decks Aggro decks but this is not fun. Even the most extreme control decks have no chance. I mean i get it the class is new so it needs to be a bit OP cuz it has so little cards but this seriously isn’t fun. Good luck to those who are about get farmed by braindead aggro DH players. Have fun guys. And last little thing. If you want to win regardless of having fun just play aggro DH decks. (Yea i’m extra salty, excuse my manners but sorry not sorry.)
By the way here is a deck that i found on the twitter (don’t remember the name of the lady who crafted it but god bless her.)that is fun and can withstand the most of the aggro decks. I can easily say that best among the most of the control or highlander decks i’ve tried and fun as well!
P.s : a bit expensive but should do the trick.
Idk board wipe cucks them like crazy. Also if ya wanna play a la snail, just go priest. You play the first 7-9 turns Well and there’s not much left to do if you play your cards right
but then again is it worth your soul…
God priest decks are indeed taking pieces out of your soul. I’ve tried couple of priest decks and yea it counters them but nope it’s definitiely not worth losing your soul. But i have to tell you, i cleared the board like many many times but they come back so easily.I think that is the problem about DH decks. They always come back like it’s nothing. The new class should be op but seriously not this much.
Get over it man. You really talk about Streets of Gadgetzan like it was that good? Forgot about the pain in the Ass Jade-Druid Shenanigans?
Keep focused, get used to talks with more boardcontrol minion-wise like Druid or spell-wise like priest or warlock. You even could tinker out some Warriorlist.
Every expansion we got some decks that get out of hand in the early days.
( remember Battlecry infinite Shaman Shenanigans with 100% Winrate on some Streams or Cubelock back in the days? )
The Meta will settle. Until then you should focus your energy on things you can change
I actually got over it and yep you are so right. I think what i miss is not the streets of gadgetzan times but the old gods times lmao. I seriously miss the slow decks. And i must say been playing with priest and extremely solid winrate with it. I wonder though when the meta will settle. Well guess we will see.
Can beat DH with a good draw and them not doing great, but class is OP.
1 cost 2/2 that gets stronger when you attack? That’s not balanced.
Sure, people can develop counters – but we shouldn’t need to all gear to fight the DH. I think it needs a few nerfs.
They probably will, it’s not like tonnes of other broken things have been added **cough cough** every single prime **cough cough**. Like the minion you’re talking about is broken but I think it’s just to make DH the ultimate fast character.
Took a little trip to reddit and I am sad to report people are already crying for nerfs, less than ONE day into the expansion, just like with Galakrond Shaman, so now Demon Hunter will get unjustly nerfed and as with when Galakrond was released we will eventually learn it wasn’t as broken as we thought and something else will just take its place… Please people just give it a couple weeks before crying to blizzard.
I do understand what you’re saying.
But if I check metastats: the top 15 now consists solely of DH and if I check hsreplay: DH is at 56% where as ALL other classes are at 47% or lower. Either you play DH or prepare to get farmed by DH.
We’ll see where this goes…
“Unjustly” it’s not correct. Every class has his strenght and weakness, or his “identity” as they keep calling it.
Wich is DH identity? It has heals, draws, card generation, aoe, cheap hero power (it was the reason you played an even deck back in the days), strong small minions, tokens, strong big minions, mana cheating, card generation, rush minions, outcast, combo OTK potential and can IGNORE TAUNT.
How can it be an healthy and balanced class?
Has anyone else noticed that DH is absolutely broken in arena? Not calling for any nerfs or anything as they can be beaten, but a lot of DH cards seem to be perfect for arena as they create a ton of tempo
hearthstone a dead game
Demon Hunter is yet another disaster/famine of 2020.
My God, shamans were not cancer enough to bring that abomination among the still livings
Shamans were fine and turned out not to be the true problem, they were unjustly and harshly nerfed FAR too soon because people like you lack a little patience and can’t wait for the meta to settle and for pepe to figure out decks and strategies before crying for nerfs.
Its not about single/recent event buddy.
It is true since Totem golem. “people like you” – kid, grown up
Demon Hunter meta reminds me of Galakrond Shaman.
Some nerf suggestions: ‘Imprisoned Antaen’ (up to 6 mana) and ‘Priestess of Fury’ should hit enemy minions only and/or for less damage. Skull of Gul’dan – up to 6 mana and card cost reduce by 1. Battlefiend – make it 1/2.
Patience people please, it hasn’t even been a day!
Demon Hunter is crazy versatile… have to get a perfect draw to beat it
Big Druid has a good matchup against DH. But other classes struggle a lot.
No… if you don’t draw your ramp cards you’re definitely screwed – and even if you do you’ll probably still lose to a big burst plus Kayn
Scrap all that. Day one is just okay whatever demon Hunter cards you got and crush everyone else. Been playing for like 7 hours straight and a solid 97% of my matches were against demon Hunter decks I couldn’t beat not matter how hard I tried. Really I understand trying to give the class a head start but holy shit they really overdid it it’s so disgusting
Agreed. The class feels really overpowered. Been playing the aggro DH decklist and the deck crushes every class other than DH itself.
Go to reddit and yell for nerfs
Highlander DH performs really good on Day 1.
Well, don’t know about you guys but despite the changes my drop luck was really bad (and I correctly guessed I would get Al’ar as my free golden… damnit). But anyway, tried to buy more, shop still shows the pre-orders. Same for anyone else?
yeah, my drop rate was also bad. Wasn’t too happy about it.
Opened 26 packs, got Relinquary and Mayev, I’m pretty happy!
Opened 31 packs. Only got one legendary.
my opening was really the worst i ever had:(1/8) 1/39 1/32 0/27 so 2 legendary in 98 booster
Sorry man. If it makes you fell any better, I got the 55 bundle and got Al’ar and The Lurker Below
under the warlock section, it says demon galakrond “warrior” it should be demon galakrond warlock I guess.
Yep, correct, fixed!