Update (5/14/15): -1 Zombie Chow, -2 Faerie Dragon, -2 Coghammer, -2 Blackwing Technician, -2 Defender of Argus, -2 Azure Drake, -2 Volcanic Drake, +1 Equality, +1 Ironbeak Owl, +1 Knife Juggler, +2 Muster for Battle, +1 Big Game Hunter, +2 Piloted Shredder, +1 Antique Healbot, +2 Sludge Belcher, +1 Lay on Hands, +1 Nefarian
Update (5/5/2015): -2 Knife Juggler, -2 Muster for Battle, -2 Hungry Dragon, -1 Emperor Thaurissan, -1 Rend Blackhand, -1 Alexstrasza,+2 Faerie Dragon, +1 Coghammer, +2 Aldor Peacekeeper, +1 Azure Drake, +1 Dr. Boom, +1 Tirion Fordring, +1 Ysera
With tgtupdate this deck just got even better my update is
-2 sludge
-1 boom
– 1 equality
Love to ser this deck with an update with grandes tournament cards
One of the worst decks I’ve played. With how many zoolocks and face hunters there are, this deck is useless. This deck is so heavily dependant upon rng and right cards.
Thanks for help. Its a bit confusing for someone who is new to the site. 🙂
Guys, am I missing something, but in update I can only count 26 cards, what about other 4 ???
You might want to try a Shift + Refresh of the page, it could be a cache issue. I just checked and the deck appeared fine.
In Update (5/14/15) I can count only 26 cards.
The full deck is below the update portion. The part you are referring to is documenting the changes made to the deck. Any cards that went unaltered are not mentioned.
Still using hungry dragons instead of shredders, doesn’t really feel like a dragon deck w/o em. Plus with muster, its easy to take out that 1 drop. And hungry drag’s a 5/6 for 4 mana which is pretty impressive. One question tho, running BGH, should i run Rend too ?
Brian kibler? Like Brian kibler m:tg legend??
Ok, let me start off saying I like this deck… I’m torn between this one and the flamewalker tempo Mage deck…
But I don’t have certain legendaries like dr. Boom and ragnaros…
But I just pulled a golden gallywix… Which legendary should I craft when I disenchant the gallywix?
Dr. Boom is the best to craft due to it being in so many decks.
Boom, craft Boom. Don’t even think twice.
replacement for ysera?
any replacement for Tirion Fordring?
Any high level value card, I would suggest ragnaros.
I have the same problem but I replaced him with Emeror Thaurissan, have been working really well for me so far!
way too slow
0/2 at ranked (lvl 5) – not a good start. Got completely raped by mech mage and ramp druid – zero chance.
I’m still balancing near lvl10, but Hunter can be stopped just by first turn Zombie Chow. Also put one Seal of Light against agro decks. I have more problems with control Priest decks and have no idea how to deal with them.. I’m playing previous version, with Volcano/Azure Dragons and Blackwing Technician
When I watched the stream yesterday he was playing with Haunted Creeper x2. I didn’t get to see how they worked out or what he took out in their place (but I believe it was Faerie Dragon).
I dont have ysera and boom, with wich cards i can replace it?
I replaced Ysera with Chromaggus and have been somewhat happy.
Had to fill in a few things because there are some cards I’m obsessed with. I’m wondering about twilight drake (I think the right one I’m thinking of, I’m a bit new to HS), is he too situational?
Do you think instead of the blackwing corruptors you could put in 2 hungry dragons?
This deck has no ability to restore health and you are often taking on hero damage with having two Coghammers and two Truesilver Champions. My suggestion would be to replace Zombie Chow with Holy Light for 6+ health.
he modified the deck not so long ago, remember to update it
Done, thanks.
Great deck! IMHO, I much prefer Tirion>Rend
I tried using 2 peacekeepers instead of def of Argus. Works!
I mostly threw in bgh because ive actually been seeing a comeback in hand locks
Does anyone know how to mulligan for this deck? I’m having trouble knowing what to keep.
You almost always mulligan your low-cost minions, for instance, in this deck, Zombie Chow and Shielded Minobots are must haves (with Faerie Dragon not far behind)!
Tirion and sylvannas should be a staple in this kind of deck. Big game hunted is possibly a better fit than rend blackhand, it can kill minions like Dr. Boom on turn 7 or 6 depending on who still has coin and that it is cheaper to play in general.
Swapped Zombie chow for BGH works great
Any ideas for changes in this deck with the new update?
if i dont have alex can i take nef insted??
I’m playing Deathwing in my Pally Dragon deck and its awesome! I was looking for a dragon creature to just have in my hand to trigger my Battlecry creatures and i found Deathwing’s perfect for that purpose. A lot of people think his draw back suck but who say you have to play him every time drew him, right? I also found that Deathwing really good against aggro. You wait for them to fill their field with annoying tiny creatures then drop Deathwing (if you stay alive long enough of course) yes you lose your and and everything else on the field but if you going to lose the game on their next turn anyway i think your hand is not that important beside most aggro deck don’t have answer for something that big. You pretty much automatically put them 1-2 turn clock but if they have taunt out in that case you just have a pretty bad luck.. lol
No Tirion? Impossible!
i think ysera can be a strong pick for this deck,the blackhand is good too cause can create an advantage on the field killing some nice dude(dr boom,loatheb,emperor,the only *** is Sylvana but she will die killing him),muster for battle can be nice way to ramp on volcanic drake,the only doubt is about ysera thath for me is better then alextraza expecially cause with all this drakes with nice bodies(5/6 at 4 6/4 at 4 if u ramp muster for battle) i dont think u will need to set enemie’s life at 15 at ur 9(or 7with dragon consort)turn
I tried on friendly matches and casual, seems very solid.
The only thing I dont like is Rend.
I think, Ysera is better than Rend and/or Chromaggus.
I found that putting Bolvar Fordragon into the deck in replacement of Black Knight worked really well, if you get him early on he is a game winning knockout in many cases having been boosted by all the minions from cards like muster and so on.
Dragon Consort is actually just as good with few Dragon’s then it is with many.
Also I think after the next wing Blackwing corrupter will give a lot of people headaches…
Hmm Dragon Deck isn´t the right name for it…
What do you think you will change after the next wave?
Doesn’t really feel like a dragon deck anymore with the last few updates.
Keep in mind that not all of the cards have been released yet.
pls update for hungry dragon and chromaggus
Loving the update, Rend is proving to be more powerful than I had expected. Great work!!!
Rend is going to change the way dragon decks and big legendaries are played. I have more than once used rend to kill my mind controlled ysera and win the game against priest rejects who take 30 minutes to play a simple game and I know they have to be raging on the other side when rend drops and ysera or alexstraza goes bye bye. I made a gold one and the card is ridiculously fun and will outright win the game.mhe might be weak at 4 health but when you play a slow dragon deck the dragons are always going to be in your hand more than enough to make the effect trigger and at 8 health he isn’t ignored after he drops and will trade immediately. I’m so tired of lame brained doofuses who write off cards based on pure stats. This is what makes the game stale and boring. I’ll run rend and destroy any legendary I choose. He takes out ysera and 5 drop that’s good for 16 damage dealt. What card does that?
Also can destroy Sylvanas and take board control.
Wonder why fairy Dragon isn’t included in this deck? I substituted one in place of a zombie chow. Works great. Especially with blackrock technician.
I myself thought Fairy Dragon might come back after BRM, but the thing with the dragon synergy is the following:
You want a bigass minion in you hand to trigger the effects – not on the board. When will you ever hold a 2 Mana 3/2?Andif you Topdeck it, you are screwed.
There’s no guarantee that you will pull the card early and of course you play it when it’s either appropriate or you have nothing else to play. Point is, it’s still a Dragon class card and it can’t be targeted by spells or hero powers, it’s gonna do some damage regardless.
rend blackhand should be replaced
Rend actually performed way better than expected. So much so that i’ve started running him myself. No regrets yet.
Why would you suggest replacing him?
Rend Blackhand:
I think a lot of players look at the stats and just disregard him, but if you look at it, the card is actually decent and a great meta pick.
It is a 7 Mana card which kills a minion. In my book, 3/3 should be ok stats for this kind of effect. However, you get a 8/4 body, which is insane. The downside is, that it is situational, but in a dragon deck, it should not be a problem. Also with KT, Ysera and Chromaggus on the line, he kills target, the BGH cannot acocunt for.
A lot of people claim, that 8 attack is weak, since he is a BGH target. While this is true, I don’t mind my opponent using BGH on a card, other cosider crap.
you would be right if this card wouldnt have written LEGENDARY minion because this is big problem if it could kill anything it would be quite nice card but since it can only kill legendary minion it sucks by my opinion
That’s why it’s a meta pick.