General Mulligans
Players: Fireballs and Pyroblasts are so annoying!
Warrior: Turn 7 16 Damage LUL
And Finally, The Idea for my Quest Taunt Warrior. Being able to go Offense just as well as you want to go Defensive.
Why is it v1.5 and now v2.0?
It’s because I’ve learned on how this deck can work, but still not entirely sure if I like the Muck Hunter Whirlwind idea or not, and started having downsides of “What if i need a body, but I don’t want to waste my whirlwind just yet?” “Is a 5 mana 5 6 waste a card really worth it?”
My other Other Issue was with Warrior’s Rapid Worgen, because it is a really nice and solid Rush Card, but I feared that I would have too much rush cards.
Also, Might I interest you with Quest Warrior’s new Best friend: Blackwald Pixie, and being about to have the potential of : “7 Mana 3 4 Battlecry: cast 2 DIE, INCESTS!“