The ability to combo down your opponent with spell damage in one turn is super useful against Warlocks and their Voidlords, if you manage to survive that long. This list aims to control the board with and gain armor long enough for you to cycle with Nourish and Ultimate Infestation to assemble the combo. Really this isn’t that different from other Malygos Druid lists for Standard, other than dropping any Year of the Kraken cards.
You could potentially drop the Oaken Summons package for another Innervate, Naturalize, and Prince Taldaram, which would give you flexibility at the cost of early/mid taunts. Gadgetzan Auctioneer might be helpful for cycling as well. I’ll experiment more when the expansion drops.
The biggest weakness of the deck is that the combo requires so many pieces AND the Twig’s deathrattle. But still, the ability to OTK your opponent without worrying about taunts might be worth it.