Mason Steele’s Reno Hunter
- 1Candleshot1
- 1Flare1
- 1Hunter’s Mark1
- 1Tracking1
- 2Bear Trap1
- 2Cat Trick1
- 2Explosive Trap1
- 2Freezing Trap1
- 2Grievous Bite1
- 2King’s Elekk1
- 2Quick Shot1
- 2Snipe1
- 2Wandering Monster1
- 3Animal Companion1
- 3Deadly Shot1
- 3Eaglehorn Bow1
- 3Kill Command1
- 3Powershot1
- 3Unleash the Hounds1
- 4Flanking Strike1
- 4Multi-Shot1
- 5Explosive Shot1
- 5Lesser Emerald Spellstone1
- 6Deathstalker Rexxar1
- 6To My Side!1
- 7Crushing Walls1
- 7Gladiator’s Longbow1
- 7Rhok’delar1
- 8Call of the Wild1