General Mulligans
Early taunt is ideal in aggro match ups, fireflies help you curve out early game in any match up and bright eyed scout can win you games on it's own if it discounts cards like medivh, alexstraza or frost lich.
Goals against aggro are to starve your opponent for resources with board clears and taunt until you can play your hero card.
Goals against control are to wait until you have enough damage saved to burn your opponent or outlast them with heal from the hero card depending on the match up.
What if instead of Glacial Shard give Zola the Gorgon?
Funny you should say that, I think I made that exact change today. Although I was also considering putting the shard back in and taking out manic soul caster.
Deck looks like alot of fun. Sadly I am missing alot of these cards.