General Mulligans
keep the juggler for later use to get more value out of it, the tidehunter will fill in the 2 mana turn, summoning 2 minions and a happy little taunt.
Ok so this is a fun deck I am using when feeling a bit silly. The concept is to always keep your board flooded, using 0 mana Sea Giant combined with Shadowflame to clear the enemy’s board. Try not to trade and to keep as many minions you can, waiting for Frostwolf Warlord ,Raid Leader and Necrotic Geist , Sea Giant to give a lot of value to the simple existence of your happy little minions.
I actually managed to win vs Tempo Rogue, Jade Druid and Evolve Shaman on ranks 10-5. So yeah it is mostly a fun deck, it’s pretty weak but not as much as it looks like.
The combo will give you physical pleasure, even more if the enemy reacts placing a big taunt, so you can play either Unwilling Sacrifice, or transforming your 1-1 in 2-2 and throwing knives around like a mad man.
Let me know if you have fun with it 🙂