Control Corpsetaker N’Zoth Hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-43 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Of course, you want to keep the one and two drop.

Eaglehorn bow is a great way to gain early board control, and stitched tracker is good to adapt your gameplay to your adversary's one fast. It can give you a doomsayer against aggro or a third savannah against control, or even a second N'Zoth if you're greedy.

Aggro Mulligans

Aggro will often take control of the board early, except if you're lucky and got drop one and two and they don't.

Doomsayer is a must keep against aggro decks to let you chain up with another minion and give you board control.

Corpsetaker is also really good, just because she's a 3 3 lifesteal taunt and divine shield at her best.

Especially against shamans, Deathstalker Rexxar can be keep if you got a drop one or/and two because an AOE against shaman is what you need the most.

Midrange Mulligans

Just a mix between the mulligan against aggro and against control. 

Control Mulligans

Against control, you have the advantage of having a stronger early game without disadvantaging you in late game. Imagine you are a midrange hunter and just mulligan like if you were one, except you can't be as choosy because you don't have that muche early game.

This is my latest creation: a control hunter who run corpsetaker, bloodworm to give it lifesteal and psych-o-tron to give it divine shield. There are also a lot of taunt in the deck. There aren’t so much deathrattle in the deck, but N’Zoth is still worth it. There is no need to run more of them because if N’Zoth bring back one savannah, one treshadon and two grandmother for exemple, you’ve definitively some crazy value and more deathrattles would just be superfluous.

There also is a synergie with the curator, the many beasts in the deck and the two primordial drakes.

Sorry for bad english πŸ™

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