Moloch’s JadeRonox Taunt Druid (September 2017)

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: ramp - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The main goal is to ramp up early with Wild Growth and Jade Blossom, after that Nourish to be able to play the bigger minions first. Aim for taunts and Aya. Hadronox and N'Zoth. This is the best order and during that, pump up your jades. 

Aggro Mulligans

Against aggro, just dig for taunts and removal. You have the win if you can survive the early-game. If you can Innervate out a 3 piece Spreading Plague on turn 3 and on 4 play Strongshell Scavenger, you won.

Midrange Mulligans

Pretty much the same as aggro, but you should look for more the taunt minions, and early draw. You can let your opponent outempo you a little, so you can early more value from Spreading Plague.

Combo Mulligans

Rogue is hard. You need to watch out for Mill decks, don't hold more than 5-6 cards in your hand until you make sure it's not mill. Miracle Rogue is also tricky, you need to pressure them in order to prevent them from go full giant or Questing early.

Control Mulligans

Against control you want to ranp up fast and force out your opponent's removals to be used early, before your bigger stuff. Combos with Strongshell Scavenger are really good for this purpose. 

Another Jade deck for Druid class, but this time with N'Zoth  and a bunch of taunts as a surviving tool. As a win condition Aya Blackpaw  and Hadronox are included, which are great with N'Zoth by themselfes, even if you get SkulingGeisted. Malfruion is really just the cherry on top. I cut all armor cards, so his hero power is needed against agressive decks.

With this list your golems won’t be so big until the late-game, but later your board will never be empty if you manage to draw enough in the early with Wrath or Nourish if you have to, but the jackpot is ramp two and draw with Ultimate Infestation, which can be played early with Innervate. Than it is really self-working. What you have to be careful about is Brawl and Paladin combos, but you can fill your board easily a few times. When you ran out of value (just kidding, you never will), just shuffle some Jade Idols. You know the rest.

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