General Mulligans
Drawing these 3 babies will be paving the road to your succes. So getting at least one in your opener should be something to strife for. Maybe if getting that luck stays out you can switch one molten for an arcane giant, but molten before reno is just very powerfull. Doomsayer is a must have to toss.This deck got me to finally beat the Lich king after trying the different Barnes/Hyena luck based decks for over 5 hours without succes. This deck did it like 2nd try also with some luck. But i beat him with 2nd reno still in hand. The trick is to start popping giants after a turn 7 doomsayer. Maybe switching a
to improve chances of succesfull reno.It’s all about getting a Doomsayer out on turn 7 to wipe his field. Getting a Stitched Tracker to fetch a reno copy to counter his unfair amount of dmg output. Giant and coppies will be your means to defeat. Hope you get lucky as me!
P.S? Don’t let the stiched tracker’s copy fool you into thinking you got that first giant/doomsayer. It will get you a very dissapointing Reno turn and another restart at that.