Favored Druid

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: tempo - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Never click on innervate, wild growth, jade blossom. Click on everything else.

Ironbeak owl is game changing in almost every matchup but you want to draw it when youve already ramped before because it doesnt help your developement early game.

JADE IDOL IS NOT A KEEP always click on it. you have better cards than that.

WRATH IS NOT A KEEP but it is OK to draw it your hand after the mulligan phase is over

Although jade druid is considered to be one of the strongest decks on ladder, when you playtest the deck you will often find yourself in situations where your deck doesnt feel stronger than your opponents’ deck(s) such as aggro druid, aggro warrior, evolve shaman, tempo paladin, combo priest, quest mage, control warrior(featuring skulking geist). 

In order to be favored against a wider spectrum of decks, you need to use tech cards. Since jade druid’s winning strategy involves ramping and drawing cards, you can include many tech cards just like you used to do with renolock. You should abuse this strong point of yours which is to draw cards. This deck I used includes powerful battlecry minions which will never be dead draws in your hand. I believe second infestation is almost never casted during the game. Cutting the second infestation for the curator, which your tech cards are revolving around, is definitely a change for the better.

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