Do you love RNG? This deck guarantees no two matches are alike.
Use the Priest’s top tier removals to get rid of the masses. Wield the disgusting spell synergy that comes with constant card theft with Radiant Elemental, Priest of the Feast and Lyra the Sunshard. Gain strong early advantage with Shadow Ascendant, or coin into the impossibly annoying Tortollan Shellraiser. Then gasp in awe at the legions that Prince Malchezaar commands, and get them to the battlefield quickly with Shadow Essence. And just as the opponent is crying for mercy, resummon your most twisted creatures with Eternal Servitude, or spice up the battle with a handy minion provided by Forbidden Shaping, anytime you need it the most.
Q: Where’s Archbishop Benedictus? Won’t he be perfect for this spirit?!?!
A: Despite yo boy being the best for card theft, he really isn’t that reliable unless you thin out the useless stuff with Hemet, Jungle Hunter. On top of that, he’s a whopping 7 mana for an effect that is not good enough for auto inclusion. Also, the legions of Prince Malchezaar are likely to cost between 4-8 mana themselves, so this deck relies on having a stronger early game before they arrive.
Q: Devour Mind is pretty poor value boy.
A: That’s not a question, but this deck is still in the testing stages, and I have seen the good that this card can really do. If you’re concerned, an excellent 5 mana replacement would be Holy Nova.
Q: What other replacements could I add?
A: If your early game is still terrible, and you need to stall to get the effects of your better cards, Stonehill Defender might be useful against terribly Aggro decks, though I’m not sure why people are still playing those in KFT hoho.
Notice that all the minions here are selected such that if they were summoned by Shadow Essence, their effect is either Deathrattle or card-text based, so they would get maximum value. Most of the Legendaries added by Prince Malchezaar are usually one of those as well, so Barnes would be another great addition.
Highlights of using this deck (in images):
– Go from this disgustingly one sided board to fatiguing your opponent.
– Or have your own disgustingly one sided board.