General Mulligans
Innervate - can be used to boost mana in order to drop vicious fledgling on the first turn or get early buffs on cheap minions
Mark of the lotus - good to buff early cheap minions but you best have them or it is a wasted card
Enchanted Raven - cheap good 1-drop minion, is a beast so can be buffed and card draw with mark of Y'Shaarj
Mark of Y'Shaarj - buff a minion and possible card draw as there are lots of beasts to buff
Vicious Fledgling - Can be your best chance of keeping it alive if you get the coin or innervate and can drop on turn 1 or 2, I have had people quit as soon as they can not kill it in a turn or 2
Wrath - very versitile in the early goings for obvious reasons
Pantry spider - nice if you have the coin or innervate and can drop early, the 3 life early on is hard to deal with especially if you can buff them at all
Worked pretty well for a cheap deck, kind of a token/beast hybird.