A classic Midrange Hunter, addapted with Flare and Explosive Trap , while keeping Hungry Crab and one Golakka Crawler.
- Perfect counter with the increase of Midrange Paladdins and Aggro Druids, save him for a great sinergy with Flare for taking out Finja, the Flying Star immediately the turn he is settle down, or just for an aggressive start vs a turn 1 – 2 murloc in game.
- Excels against Ice Block on mages that abuse of this secret in last turns of the match.
- Works great against other Mage secrets or Midrange Paladdin.
- It’s not a known choice of the common Midrange Hunter, so it can wreck easily with the strategy of your opponent.
- Great sinergy with Hungry Crab for taking out Finja, the Flying Star, and any secret that it’s on too.
- Greatly stops Aggro Druids (before he buffs minions, so play is a priority on turn 2) and other Midrange Hunters.
- Gives you a high response against aggro and stacked low health minions, when your first turns aren’t strong enough to respond.
- Additionally gives +1 to your weapon durability when proc.