[ s37 ] 86% win,Un’Goro Jade/Yogg REVENGE!, stat & video (Season 37)

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

this is best mulligan.

Hi Dude, i love this deck 😉

look video for “how to..”,is a small video!


Video :

V I D E O – H E R E 


NB : i take the gameplay info in this site!!!

Jade Druid/Yogg, Strategy:

Just looking to ramp up in the early turns. If you are against aggro, then you are looking to remove minions with Wrath while hopefully ramping up. Every turn you can force your opponent to play sub-optimally is better for you. There will be times when you’ll have to throw down Fandral Staghelm  on the board against aggro to stop some of the bleeding, but generally you’ll at least want to get one effect from him. This is especially the case in control matchups where you can afford to save him for the later turns.

Jade Behemoth and Ancient of War can be your saviors against aggro decks which is why it’s so important ramp early. If you have the option to save an Innervate for one of these cards against aggro then it’s best to take it.

Once you start hitting the later turns this is when the deck starts really getting powerful. You can start cycling with Jade Idol and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, you’ll be able to have turns where you drop multiple Jade Golems on the board, and Nourish will help replenish your hand if you end up having to top deck (this is especially great when combined with Fandral Staghelm).

Un’Goro Jade Druid Mulligan:

You are looking for your ramp cards to start building your mana towards the late game. Innervate, Wild Growth, and Jade Blossom are your targets. I probably wouldn’t keep Jade Idol because it isn’t doing you a ton of favors in the early game. Wrath can be an important keep against all of the aggro floating around. People are going to tend to want to pressure your deck, but if you know you’re in for a slower battle you should consider keeping Nourish or even Gadgetzan Auctioneer if you already have ramp cards in your hand.

Remember, YOGG is the last hope… ONLY!

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  1. cirama85kv
    April 18, 2017 at 11:56 PM

    in your video you are using mark of yshar?!