Dragonmental Priest

Class: Priest - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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Midrange decks are one of the most powerful decks in hearthstone as they can play on curve and keep the pressure on with continuous synergies. This deck combines two of the most powerful races – Dragons and Elementals.
Dragon Package:
Hold a Dragon in hand:
2 x Netherspite Historian
2 x Drakonid Operative (We have included dragons in this deck because of this card. It is so OP)
1 x Book Wyrm(Only 1 copy because it is too situational)
2 x Faerie Dragon(comes as a replacement for Twilight Whelp, a cheap dragon that can be played between turn 2-5 if drawn early or held onto for activations if drawn late).
2 x Twilight Drake(with an aggressive curve don’t expect to summon a 4/8 or 4/9. 4/5 or 4/6 should be good enough. Cards like Crystalline Oracle, Netherspite Historian and Drakonid operative generate more cards so you might get some health on this one).
2 x Drakonid Operative
1 x Book Wyrm
2 x Primordial Drake (2 Damage AOE is great and has good stats as well. EVen if you are not killing any enemy minions, it has taunt, and if your opponent sends his minions into this it essentially becomes a 6 damage AOE. Amazing in mirror matches because of 4 attack and Dragon tag.)
1 x Ysera(A Late game card that give you some good cards. We have a lot of ways to generate more cards. So you can replace it with Northshire cleric/ Power Word Shield or 2nd Lightspawn if you think you need more card draw/early game)
Cards that Generate Value- Netherspite Historian, Crystalline Oracle, Servant of Kalimos and Drakonid Operative). You can get upto 8 more cards. So you can cut some late game cards like Ysera(or if you don’t have her).

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