Midrange Beast Hunter ft. Dinomancy(Season 37)

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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This is a mid-range attrition hunter. The main problem Hunter had while playing mid-range/control was its hero power as it had no control on the board. Now with Dinomancy you not only get board control but you retain the option of dealing 2 damage to the face(and hopefully repetitively).

Play your 1 drops on turn 1 if you can. If you topdeck them later then save it for Stampede. You want to have some cheap beasts for stampede.

There are 6 Deathrattle minions to synergise with Terror Scale stalker but don’t hesitate to play it with activating its effect. Always keep in mind that you will have a lot of resources to play with because of stampede so don’t save up cards. Just save 1 drops for stampede.

Even though this is a midrange deck, this deck is very good at pressuring your opponent with cards like Bittertide Hydra, Knuckles and the hero power.


Knuckles: Replace it with Starving Buzzard if you need card draw or replace it with another Tundra Rhino or Volcanosaur.

Rat Pack: Replace it with Infested Wolf. Infested Wolf also makes your curve better but rack pack is just powerful, especially with the changed hero power.

Call Of The Wild: Replace it with Volcanosaur. You are getting it for free!

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