General Mulligans
Low drops and the quest.
Aggro Mulligans
Violently curbstomp aggresion, mulligan away the quest.
Midrange Mulligans
Early drops, removal and the Quest.
Combo Mulligans
Try to rush them down.
Control Mulligans
Low drops and the quest.
It’s Discard Zoo, try to discard Clutchmother Zavas and do your best to activate Ravasaur Runt and Ravenous Pterrordax early. Soulfire and Doomguard also provide burst potential. Forbidden Ritual combos with Darkshire Councilman and Knife Juggler as well as providing activators for Ravenous Pterrordax and Ravasaur Runt if an Icky Tentacle survives. Pirates an issue? Add some Ooze instead of the adaptors.