Midrange Shaman card Explanation :
1 Devolve always nice especially vs Priest deathrattle board ! or druid buffed tokens, etc.
Thalnos a must, for spell damage and card draw(since no more azzure drakes)
1 Bloodlust but you USE it to fight the board when necessary dont keept it for lethal; works well since you will always have a board (Stone Sentinel)
Summoning an elemental from Hammer doesn’t trigger anything.
Also, Bloodlust makes no sense in this.
yes you are right about the elemental summoning…but not really a better weapon to put in, unless you add the whole Jade kit ( 2 weapons, Aya and 4 damage card)…and since u will always have a board with like 3+ creatures, 1 bloodlust is not bad..we will see in a few days how the meta settles and the decks. 😀