Aggro Beast Hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-37

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General Mulligans

The mulliganing process for this deck is very tough, you will want to mulligan the big minions/ "combo" minions for the mid-late game but keep a lot of those early game one drop minions. You may want to mulligan raptor hatchling and fiery bat as they are much slower cards than your other one drops. If you have dinomancy in your starting hand, keep it. It will slow you down but Definetly provide lots of value as it will allow your smaller minions to trade and compete with those mid range minions.

Another Theory Oriented Un’ Goro deck that involves lots of beast synergies and quest synergies. This deck feeds it self cards due to the new card, stampede. Once you compeleré your quest of playing 7 one cost minions, super easy with this deck, you can play stampede and raptor after raptor to feed your deck with beasts that can be buffed with your hero power and given charge with your tundra rhino. Also gains a late game control aspect with Swamp King Dred being of big help with those big minions. A very strong Aggro oriented beast hunter deck.

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