General Mulligans
You always keep eater of secrets against Paladin and Hunter, you also keep it against Mage if you'r opponing hand already has some of the key cards.
This deck was designed to be fun, but it ended being quite competitive (reached Rank 1 the season i created it). Nethertheless it is a very difficult deck to play well, it will require a lot of practice to master it. Furthermore any small mistake might end to loose the match.
The real strength of the deck live in the variety of win conditions it possessed.
Tempo lead
- Evolving a lot of small creature (totem and spiders) or Tech-cards (Eater of Secrets , Harrison Jones, etc.)
- Sea Giant combined with taunt minion or AOE (Maelstrom Portal or Lightning storm)
- N'Zoth, The Corruptor
- Sylvanas Windrunner + Reincarnate to steal a powerfull minion of your opponent
- Kel'thusaz + Reincarnate (extremly strong against Priest)
- Thaddius
Control (sometimes, being able to survive long enough will win the game for you)
- Reno Jackson : Heal
- Deathlord : Early high stats minion with taunt, he might also mess up your opponent win condition by pulling a specific minion out of his deck.
- N'Zoth, The Corruptor
Stats of the Season (March 2017)
Jade druid is bad matchup. Druid tends to ramp way to fast and the late game will be out of control due to the Golems. The mulligan needs to be very aggresive, the druid need to be under pressure then a good N'Zoth, The Corruptor (or a Thaddius) can end the game.
Shamans will always be your worst matchup, Maelstrom Portal will clear all your token so you are not likely to pull a good Evolve or Sea Giant. In addition Shamans tend to play 2 copies of Hex and this is extremly strong against this decklist.