General Mulligans
Some early game and some removal. You want deathrattle minions to get their effects and have minions contesting the board, and you want to start the Jade ramping ASAP
Control Mulligans
You want to start your Jades early in order to overwhelm your slower opponents
Jade Rogue that uses N’Zoth. Most games end so quickly that I do not get to play him. This worked pretty well on ladder at around rank 15. Gadgetzan Auctioneer is for cycle. Brann Bronzebeard can be used with Aya Blackpaw, Jade Spirit,Azure Drake, Unearthed Raptor. Unearthed Raptor wants to target minions like Jade Swarmer, Undercity Huckster, and Bloodmage Thalnos, which means that it curves pretty well. Often times Jade Swarmer manages to survive a turn in its stealth, and you can reliably use Unearthed Raptor on it for Jade value. I feel like, of the three Jade classes, Rogue gets the least Jade love, even though it can definitely work.