It was a crazy day yesterday of tracking a ton of decks and following many streams, but along with that came a lot of impressive runs with some even going 12 wins with no losses! I was also pretty impressed by the amount of different decks that were succeeding. You had Dragon Priest, Midrange Shaman, Jade Druid, Renolock, Miracle Rogue, Aggro Pirate Warrior, Water Rogue, Malygos Rogue, and a lot more.
Heroic Tavern Brawl #2 12-Win Deck Lists
INER took this deck to one run of 11-3 and then went for the coveted 12-0 run which proves that while Aggro Shaman is down, Midrange Jade Shaman is still a powerful deck.
Trump went ahead and impressed everyone by going on a 12-0 run during his first attempt of the second Heroic Tavern Brawl with Dragon Priest!
Dog deserves an award for endurance because he played for nearly nine hours straight in Heroic Tavern Brawl, much of that was with this Questing Miracle Rogue deck that he took to 12 wins.
- 0Backstab2
- 0Counterfeit Coin2
- 0Preparation2
- 1Cold Blood2
- 1Conceal2
- 1Swashburglar2
- 2Eviscerate2
- 2Fan of Knives2
- 2Sap1
- 3Edwin VanCleef1
- 3Shadow Strike1
- 4Tomb Pillager2
Jade Druid seemed to be one of the more consistent decks that was capable of running up to 12 wins.
- 0Innervate2
- 1Jade Idol2
- 1Living Roots1
- 2Wild Growth2
- 2Wrath2
- 3Feral Rage2
- 3Jade Blossom2
- 3Mulch1
- 3Swipe2
- 4Fandral Staghelm1
- 5Jade Behemoth2
- 5Nourish2
- 6Druid of the Claw1
- 7Ancient of War2
The newly discovered Aggro Water Rogue got in on the 12-Win action. Cipher’s version is pretty unique, running Silent Knight and Shadow Sensei.
Aggro Pirate Warrior enjoyed the nerfs to Aggro Shaman and continues to be a powerful deck to run in this Brawl and on the ladder.
Firebat went on an early 12-win run, and discussed his card choices in this deck tech VOD (nice site).
- 0Innervate2
- 1Jade Idol2
- 2Wild Growth2
- 2Wrath2
- 3Feral Rage1
- 3Jade Blossom2
- 3Mulch1
- 3Swipe2
- 4Fandral Staghelm1
- 5Jade Behemoth2
- 5Nourish2
- 6Druid of the Claw2
- 7Ancient of War2
Savjz put on an impressive showing running this Renolock to 12 wins!
- 1Bloodsail Corsair1
- 1Patches the Pirate1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Earthen Ring Farseer1
- 4Defender of Argus1
- 4Faceless Shambler1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Refreshment Vendor1
- 4Twilight Drake1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Mind Control Tech1
- 5Second-Rate Bruiser1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 12Mountain Giant1
wiRer seems to be a master of this Malygos Rogue deck, and he further proved it by piloting it to 12 wins.
DisguisedToast was able to overcome his 10 wins hurtle and take this OTK Druid to 12 wins!
- 0Innervate2
- 0Moonfire2
- 1Living Roots2
- 1Raven Idol1
- 2Wild Growth2
- 2Wrath2
- 3Feral Rage2
- 3Swipe2
- 4Fandral Staghelm1
- 4Mire Keeper1
- 5Nourish2
- 7Ancient of War1
- 9Aviana1
- 10Kun the Forgotten King1
@evident: RDU got 12-0 with Zoolock playing Noggenfogger!!!
He sure did!
Does wiRer have a replay or twicth or something,i wanna see his macthes
I’m pretty sure he doesn’t stream.
I was hoping to see Disguised Toast’s Aviana/kun/malygos deck here. All the decks that made it to 12 wins are the same as always.
I just added it actually, he got it last night, but this post was added in the morning.
Very interesting results! Three rogues and two druids. Only one Shaman (non-aggro), one pirate Warrior, and one Renolock. And Priest made a showing! Do we know what the non-big name competitors are winning with? (I’m assuming there are some of those that are also 12-0…?)
Thanks for the information. Very interesting.