Value Druid

Class: Druid - Format: kraken - Style: tavern-brawl

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Try to mulligan for innervates quickly so you can get to your Violet Illusionists, Gadjet Auctioneers etc. quickly and overwhelm the enemy. Card draw is also good.

It may seem weird why I put in Bite and Moonglade portal, they are actually pretty good. Using moonglade portal means that you can a 6-drop for 0-mana if you aim the heal at your face, talk about value! Bite is a 0-mana give your hero +4 attack this turn. So use these if you want either with the Gadjet Auctioneers in the lategame to cycle more or use it in the early game to snowball/fight aggro.

As what you should be able to see, the most powerful combo here is Violet Illusionist + Gadjet Auctioneer + Jade Idol as that means an INFINITE CYCLING JADE GOLEM CREATING MACHINE. PS. It is recommended to work very fast here because the animation time is really slow.

You could end up making a 30-card deck full of jade idols and just win the late game or fill your board up again.

The legendaries and arcane giants can be replaced with any card draw.

Cheers! Have a good day.

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