Overload Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-35

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General Mulligans

These are the cards you want for sure in your starting hand if you go second you can combo early to power up your Tunnel Trogg or hold on and power up your Unbound Elemental since he gets a buff to both health and attack.

Control Mulligans

Help keep you in control of the board especially if you combo them with the Tunnel Trogg or Unbound Elemental.

This deck has a lot of spells and some decent board clears, lots of overloads to power up your Tunnel Trogg and Unbound Elemental. Its my first deck and hopefully not a mirror to another deck out there. This is also just for fun not really a competitive deck, it probably can if you tweak some cards around.

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