A big Curse of Naxxramas leak has emerged that appears to be quite real, or was done by an absolute Photoshop master! Check out the images and information below!
All information is unofficial and not confirmed by Blizzard.
Solo Adventures
This will be the option that replaces the “Practice” button on the main menu. From here you’ll enter a screen where you can select: Practice or Naxxramas.
If you select Naxxramas, you’ll have three options: Normal (Face the bosses and unlock Neutral Cards), Class Challenges (Only after you clear each Normal Mode wing will this become playable. You will be given a custom made deck, and face a different boss with each class. Completing the class challenge will unlock that particular Class Card.), and Heroic (Might be a way to unlock gold cards, it’s not made clear).
Class Challenge Mode
<Requires clearing each wing in normal mode>
Nine of the Bosses of Naxxramas have a special class challenge after you defeat them in normal mode. Crush each one and earn a card!
Mage Challenge
Helgan the Unclean
Rematch! Can you defeat the boss using this special Mage deck?
Defeat him and gain a Mage card!
First boss of the Arachnid Quarter
Grand Widow Faerlina
Second boss of the Arachnid Quarter
Third boss of the Arachnid Quarter
“The massive Spider queen births endless spiderling to feed on corpses of interlopers.”
- 3 Cost Hero Power
Noth the Plaguebringer
First boss of the Plague Quarter
Helgan the Unclean
Second boss of the Plague Quarter
(1 Cost Hero Power) Eruption: Deal 2 damage to the left most enemy minion. (Shown at PAX East, Source)
Third boss of the Plague Quarter
- (2 Cost Hero Power) Necrotic Aura: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
Instructor Razuvious
First boss of the Military Quarter
Second boss of the Military Quarter
With Gothik’s guidance even the weakest Death Knights can raise the dead.
- (2 Cost Hero Power) Harvest: Draw a card.
The Four Horsemen
Third boss of the Military Quarter
Boss: Baron Rivendare (5 Cost Hero Power): 7 Health
Starts off with three cards in play, Sir Zeliek, Thane Korth’azz, and Lady Blaumeux
First boss of the Construct Quarter
“The massive abomination is Kel’Thuzad’s unstoppable avatar of war.”
- 5 Attack Weapon with 7+ Durability
- 4 Cost Hero Power
8 Cost – 6 Attack / 8 Health
At the end of the turn, summon all friendly minions that died that turn.
- Obtained by completing the Frostwyrm Quarter
5 Cost – 4 Attack / 7 Health
Deathrattle: If Stalagg also died this game, summon Thaddius.
- Obtained by completing the Construct Quarter
5 Cost – 7 Attack / 4 Health
Deathrattle: If Feugen also died this game, summon Thaddius.
- Obtained by completing the Construct Quarter
Sir Zeliek
3 Cost – 1 Attack / 7 Health
Your hero is Immune
- Appears to be an noncollectable card.
Images after the jump: