Happy New Years everyone! If you’ve made it one of your resolutions to make it to Legend then these decks might help you get there. I also want to give props to all of the hardworking pro players that stayed grinding the ladder until midnight for a chance to qualify for the Winter Championships.
The ranks listed were provided by the players and aren’t official until Blizzard releases them.
Top Legend Decks from Season 33
I will be adding more decks throughout the day if they are released.
- Zalae also finished highly with a version of the deck that uses Doomhammer as a finisher.
- ntR also finished top-10 legend with Aggro Jade Shaman.
- Trump used Amnesiac’s version of the deck to get top 25 legend.
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-10 Legend [Source]
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-25 Legend [Source]
- 1Execute2
- 1Shield Slam2
- 1Slam2
- 2Bash2
- 2Cruel Taskmaster1
- 2Fiery War Axe2
- 2Revenge2
- 2Shield Block2
- 3Ravaging Ghoul2
- 5Alley Armorsmith2
- 5Brawl2
- 7Gorehowl1
- 8Grommash Hellscream1
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-25 Legend [Source]
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-50 Legend [Source]
- 1Mortal Coil1
- 1Soulfire1
- 2Dark Peddler1
- 3Demonwrath1
- 3Hellfire1
- 3Imp Gang Boss1
- 3Shadow Bolt1
- 4Shadowflame1
- 4Siphon Soul1
- 7Abyssal Enforcer1
- 8Lord Jaraxxus1
- 8Twisting Nether1
- 1Mistress of Mixtures1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 2Sunfury Protector1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 4Defender of Argus1
- 4Faceless Shambler1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Refreshment Vendor1
- 4Spellbreaker1
- 4Twilight Drake1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Mind Control Tech1
- 5Second-Rate Bruiser1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 12Mountain Giant1
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-100 Legend [Source]
Likely Rank Achieved: Top-100 Legend [Source]
I am a bit surprised that there ain’t no miracle rogue on this list. High legend players tend to go with a more “straightforward” (easy) deck at the end of the season?
Miracle Rogue was popular because it beat Renolock and Jade Druid. The meta has shifted and Aggro Shaman is the most popular deck which beats Miracle Rogue pretty easily.
Not exactly. actually pirate miracle rogue can beat to aggro decks too; i used the last season in rank legend and now im using it for to climb in ladder. i can beat mid and aggro shamans; aggro warriors too sometimes. is a good deck against everything if you have a good draw.
What can i replace for Brann in Dragon Priest?
Second Blackwing Technician or a Faerie Dragon to give you another activator.
Why don’t you show rank one’s deck? That would be RayC.
If I had the rank one decks I would post them. Are you sure RayC finished #1? I couldn’t find anything on his twitter.
Still no hunterdeck sadface
I feel the designers make the cards for their personal decks/hero’s. Lok, shaman and pirates. Hunter has been top tier ONCE. It’s time to give us hunters some love.
Good stuff as always. Happy New Year!
Thanks, Happy New Year!