Standard Aggro Shaman with Barnes, Bloodmage, and Spirit Claws

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Season: season-33

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Deck Import

Most of the list is standard aggro shaman. The three unusual cards all make sense in aggro shaman, but also work together really well. Spirit Claws represents potentially a lot of damage or even just board control. Bloodmage Thalnos boosts up the burn and provides a draw that the deck needs to power out more threats or draw towards remaining burn outs in the deck. Barnes can pull Flametongue Totem, Argent Horserider, Tunnel Trogg, a pirate while you have a weapon, or Bloodmage Thalnos (Totem Golem and Sir Finley Mrrgglton are the only bad pulls, the others can all be good or bad depending on the situation except for thalnos which is just always good, and a 3/4 and a 1/1 at worst just isn’t that bad for four mana in aggro shaman.) Thalnos also provides another source of spell damage for Spirit Claws.

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