Shaman Jade Evolution

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

because Evolve is the main purpose of this deck, you cannot remove it from your mulligan although you should not play it before turn 6. having Maelstrom or Lightning could help you against Aggro deck. use your totem for the early turns to have 2-Value card on the board. try to clean most of the time to gain control of the board and avoid taunt opponents.

a mid shaman very fun to play and with high Barnes and Dopplegangler synergy as your only goal is to have more than three five-value card to start your evolution process. Bloodlust and windfury are here to have a easy finish.

the deck i hard in the early game, Priest is a bad matchup. 

Because I’m not a pro, don’t hesitate to advice me if you test it or change it.

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