Jade Control Shaman December 2016

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

A good start generally is Jade Claws turn 2, totem on turn 3, and a 4 drop on turn 4; if you get Jade Spirit or a good target for Jade Lightning, it not only helps to gain board presence, but will increase the stats of later Jade Golems summoned.

Aggro Mulligans

Same Idea with the Jade Claws on turn 2, but this time on turn 3 you can also use maelstrom portal if they are starting to build up a wide board of tokens. Earth Shock is best used on targets that have very powerful effects that are not easily killed immediately, or for minions with divine shield, like buffed Argent Squires or Twilight Drakes.

Midrange Mulligans

Try to keep the board as much as you can, while maintaining as much pressure as possible. 

Control Mulligans

Jade Claws, a staple, followed by the 4 drops, there are plenty of things, just try to keep board control and you should be fine, if facing a deck like priest, mage, or rogue, don't use Ancestral spirit unless you're fairly sure that they don't have a way to steal/transform your minion, try waiting for an opportunity where you can use ancestral spirit, then trade the minion in, to have it immediately respawn. N'zoth will be your big end-game, where you can summon at least a 5/3 and two 5/5's, one with taunt, if your Ancestral Spirit and/or Barnes were effective, you can pull even more minions off with N'zoth. That's the idea.

Basically, try to outlast and out-pressure your opponent. Some good combos are using the ancestral spirit on White Eyes or Aya, getting Barnes to pull a copy of Sylvanas, White Eyes, or Aya, and my favorite, using a Jade Chieftain to trade into another minion, then using a master of evolution to gain an 8 mana minion (typical outcomes for me have included Tirion Fordring, Ragnaros, Ragnaros Lightlord, and Grommash Hellscream).

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