Echo’s -KINDA- Budget Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

This is the most solid part of your early game. Totem golem is the nuts, Claws are great, and squire is just solid. Only keep lb (lightning bolt) if you have any of the other 3. *BTW, do NOT mulligan any of the "core 3" which is Argent Jade and Totem Golem* you can mulligan lb if you don't have any of the core 3.

Aggro Mulligans

We have the general cards to keep, as well as ls (lightning storm). Its your only board clear, and if you have either argent squire, claws or golem, it might be a good keep. Sometimes it isn't depending on deck, but it usually is.

Midrange Mulligans

Midrange Decks like yourself have solid early game, while also having strong late game. The purpose is to take the board early then be able to finish. The only extra card to look for is Jade Lightning. It is super strong due to the abundance of 4 health minions.

Control Mulligans

You should ALWAYS look for the "Core 3" before the others. If you have a totem golem, claws or argent, you are looking good, and probably want to look for the others. Jade Lighting really helps remove things, Jade Spirit is just good jade synergy, and totem should be kept when facing a non aggressive druid. Dropping it on 3 is really awkward for them.

Here it is. You have the dust, you have the time. Here is the question. Do you want to play jade decks for a good, long time. Until you get more dust and consequently, cards, this is your bread and butter. It isn’t even the best. But it is what you have. You can make a good deal of other things, but trust me, I would love to have this deck in your situation. It is my favorite this meta.

Reccomended Changes:

When you get Kharazhan, replace one Feral Spirit and one Mana Tide Totem with 2 Maelstrom Portals

If you open Bloodmage Thalnos, put that in in place of Kobold.

Tunnel Trogg is supposed to go where Argent Squire is, but that is in League of Explorers, and that is rotating out soon. Other than that, this deck is meta ready. It’s main weakness is priest, and the pirate warrior with the nuts. You crush most other things out there.

One last thing, make sure you add me (and maybe Saber) on I’m going to want to help you thru khara, (turn me down if you want) and help guide you thru the first parts of playing this deck. Saber is just a cool dude.

EchoCo #1156

Sabertooth20 #1250

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