Now that the jade mechanic is revealed and the new Jade Idol card is out, I thought I’d take a stab at an old deck that used to have a bit of viability.
Jade Idol means infinity when it comes to mill, which is a huge advantage that old mill decks didn’t have. It also has the potential to make huge swings late game when you let 3 or 4 of these fly out. It’s already one of favorite cards. Combine it with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and you can do a lot of drawing and a lot of spell casting.
The trick with the deck is to ramp and cycle as much as possible…
RAMP: Wild Growth Jade BlossomMire Keeper Nourish
CYCLE: Wrath Novice Engineer Coldlight Oracle Nourish Gadgetzan Auctioneer
In a sense, you want to do the same as miracle rogue, get to a point where you can go off! Using the ramp mechanics of druid should allow you to focus on what you want to do first, and not worry about your opponent if possible.
Old Mill ideas…Naturalize Youthful Brewmaster Brann Bronzebeard Coldlight Oracle King Mukla help fill your opponents hand and burn their cards, which works great against control, but poorly against aggro. I might switch out the naturalize and mukla for more early stability vs aggro… but need the meta to define itself first…perhaps add loot hoarders and swipe or feral rage.
Suggestions and ideas welcome!
You’ve gone full mill with this list, which is ideal but sadly not realistic – the glaring issue I see is no heal nor board clears.
You’ve got huge coldlight potential but nothing to counter your opponent filling the board – 2x swipe and 2x starfall in standard are a must with this archetype – of which think the coldlight package doesnt suit.
This is because as a druid you struggle wth repeated threats and coldlight supplys this – rather take it slow and focus on your own drawing whilst controlling the board; as you mentioned the pace that you draw doesnt matter because you have an infinite deck – the pace of the opponents draw however dictates the level of pressure.
As such I think a fandral package would be better suited instead of the coldlights – using raven idols to find more answers, nourish for that draw and living roots for early control.
Definately all good advice. And now that the full set is released, this list probably needs a revamp…. the jade taunt card could help prolong things for sure… and fandral package is certainly more consistent